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Next day

Manager: kids wake up now.
He walk into Mingyu's room first.

Manager: Mingyu Ah, wake up. Call the members to wake up too.

Mingyu: why, hyung? It's 4:30am. I though the first schedule is at 6am?

Manager: our first schedule changed, we are filming seventeen reality show for 2 days and 1 night.

Mingyu: Eh!?
Mingyu reply in shock even if he's half awake.

Mingyu: Okay
He start to wake up all memebers.
First Woozi, vernon, Seungkwan, Wonwoo, joshua and ..... Then he goes into Yn's room.

Mingyu: Yn wake up.
Yn: hmmm... why?
Mingyu: manager Hyung ask us to wake up now.

After that everyone was half awake and headed to the living room.

Seungcheol: What is it hyung? Why do we need to wake up this early?

Manager: we will be going on a 2 days 1 night to Busan.

Everyone: Eh!? BUSAN?

Jun: why?

Jeonghan: why? What's the sudden change of plans?

Hoshi: yeah! Why did it change? And so sudden.

Seungkwan: well on the bright side, it's still a good thing.

Manager: Seungkwan is right, it's for the reality show so everyone pack just enough clothes.

Everyone: ....okay
Everyone seem excited. Maybe because we get to film our show while going on a break.

After we reached Busan....
Seungkwan: where is all the staff? Stylist?

PD: hello.

Everyone: nae, hello.

Seungkwan: are we starting the filming here?

PD: Nae. Let me just tell you what this trip is about.
Seventeen's reality show...... one fine day castaway remake.

Everyone: EH!? What? Where's manager Hyung?

PD: He not here.

Seungcheol: What!? So he didn't board the plane?

PD: nae.

Seungkwan: I think they will be following us again, in secret. Like the last time.

PD: this time it's real, they will not be following. This is the remake, so of course it will be different and unpredictable. Hahahaha~

Everyone: yah, how can they leave us once again.

Yn: it's okay, I think we will manage somehow. One step at a time.
I smile as I tell the hyungs.

Seungkwan: it's the first time I see someone so calm.

Yn: I mean what can we do? Let's just get on with it, and it's not the first time the crew and staff lied to you.
Come on, let's go.

I take a step and turn back to hurry them.

Yn: Hyungs, let's go. Hurry up. I said with a bright smile.

Hoshi: don't you think Yn is kind of excited?

DK: Nae, What is wrong with him? We were cheated by the staff, we should be mad. But Yn doesn't seem to care?

Vernon: it's because he's a simple-minded person so he doesn't care.

Seungcheol: Okay, let's go aiduella. No point in standing here, let's get on the bus.

After we settle down, the PD starts to brief us.

Everyone: EH!?

Jeonghan: we are going to survive by ourself without tools and help of the staff? Again?

Dino: that's too much. At least give us some food.

PD: this is a reality show, so you will be earning your own food and making them. For real this time.

Mingyu: Do we have to build a house too?
Mingyu said in a teasing manner.

PD: we will provided you a roof to stay.

Mingyu: that's good. Then everything is fine.

Seungcheol: yah, we don't even have to worry, we have Mingyu. He's Mingderella, Mingyu will cook and the rest of us will go find food.

Hoshi: Oh that's right, we can just do the same when we were at Yeouido. What should Yn do then?

They all turn to look at Yn, but to find that she was resting on Joshua shoulder.

Joshua: he's a sleep.

Jun: how can he sleep in this situation?

Joshua: that's right, I wonder too.

PD: you guys must be tired, we have another 4 hours before we reach, so rest for now.

Everyone: Thank you.

Jeonghan: let's all rest.

Woozi: I'm tired too.

Jeonghan: oh jihoon ah, rest on my shoulder.
Jeonghan lend his shoulder to Woozi.

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