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"Am I going to die like that?"

...: Yn...

Yn: whose there? it's you again? Who are you?

...: That's not important now, you have to wake up now?

Yn: But I am tired, and I am all alone in this world. I don't want to go back.

...: But you have too. I am always here, in your heart and there's someone who will love and take care of you in my place.

Yn: But who is that? who will love me and care for me?

...: In this world, your family will always love you.

Yn: But I am an orphan, I have no family.

...: You do, and they are closer than you think.

Yn: Wait. don't go, take me with you. Wait...

When I woke up, I was already in the hospital.

Jess: OMG, you're awake, Yn. You gave me a scare.

Yn: I'm fine.

Jess: Thank goodness you're fine or else what am I going to tell the CEO.

Yn: EH!? Why do you need to tell him?

Jess: Erm... nothing, it's just that we're all worried about you.

Yn: By the way... aren't I supposed to be in Busan?

Jess: you forgot? You almost drown in the sea.

Yn: I did?
Then memories came rushing back like waves.

Yn: where is everyone?

Jess: They when back to Seoul, for a recording. I told your manager about what happened. Talking about them, it was so hard to get all 13 of them to Seoul. It's the first time I had to spend 2 hours to convince them to leave.

Yn: Really?

Jess: of course, did you know when you went into the sea and never came out, everyone panicked.

PD: Okay, the waves are getting stronger. Let's get everyone out.

Jeonghan: wait, where's Yn? Did anyone saw him?

Then Wonwoo, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Woozi and DK look at the direction where she was last seen diving in.

Joshua: Didn't he dive in between us?
He looks over to Myungho.

Myungho: He did, But I didn't notice if he came out of the water.

DK: Shit...
Dk hurriedly dive back into the water along with Wonwoo, Mingyu and Seungcheol.

PD: get the kids out, the waves are getting stronger and stop filming.

The PD stop the filming as something serious has happened.

Joshua & Jeonghan: But what about Yn?

PD: we will send in a rescue boat.

Woozi: Yn
Woozi shouted to the vast ocean.

Jun: Yn

Jeong Han: Yn.

Everyone started to shout for her hoping that the worst had yet to come.

Soon, rescue boat arrived. The members insisted to board and help find Yn.

PD: I think it's best if you guys stay here.

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