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  First Person P.O.V.

  "A lot." Thomas said as he took his steps into the room.

  I felt like I wanted to vomit at the smell. I steadied myself on the wall, ut felt like I was gonna fall over.

  I could feel arms around me, almost pale arms. "I-I'm fine," I assured as I looked at the figure. I could make out brownish hair. "A-Aris?" I asked, a bit wobbly.

  The figure kept his grip. "It's me." Aris nodded. I had turned my attention to the bodies.

  "You're not going over there until you can stand without you stop with your discoloration." Aris said like he could read my mind.

  "I wasn't going to." I made a sort of a "pssshhhh" sound.

  "Don't lie, Y/N." Aris said a bit stern.

  "Fine, fine. Oh, look. I'm starting to see colors again." I said a bit brighter than I should have.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now