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First Person P.O.V.

  "This place looks like actual hell," Newt commented as he looked around. "Always thought you'd end up here, Minho. Not me."

  Minho grinned. "You're only going to heaven 'cause of that time when you were with Thomas."

  That comment did not make Teresa look happy. In fact, she was frowning.

  "Selfish much?" I mumbled about Teresa. Everyone knew that Thomas and Newt hooked up. It wasn't anything new to the group.

  Aris looked over at me, putting a finger over his lips to signal that he heard what I said.

  Newt had blushed a bit at what Minho said as we all walked.

  The place really was a warehouse. It was spacious with some metal walls that were rusted brown. Sacks strayed loose everywhere, sitting against walls. Windows were shattered and the sound of wind gushed in through them.

  A man walked through a side door. "You picked up some strays, Brenda?" He asked the girl with the short hair.

  "If that's what you call them. They gotta be subjects of WICKED." Brenda answered.

  "I see." The man nodded. "We better get them out of here then. The guards will be hunting them down." He then turned towards the group. "I'm Jorge. This is Brenda."

  Thomas slowly nodded. "I'm Thomas. That's Newt, Minho, Y/N, Teresa, Frypan, Winston, and Aris." As he said our names he pointed to all of us individually.

  "We-" Jorge was cut of by the sound of sirens. "They're here! Quick!" He hurried towards a window.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now