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First Person P.O.V


  I smiled softly, brushing away at Aris' tears. "It's okay," I said faintly. "Y-you can let go now."

  If this was how I died, I was okay with it. I was okay with not becoming a crank. I was also okay with letting go. "I'm tired," I said, trying to push him away.

  Aris just violently shook his head, holding his same pressure with his tense body.

  "No, please, I can't lose you, too," he said, tears running down his face.

  "Live a long life, okay?" I demanded. I wasn't angry, not with him or the world. I wasn't mad at anyone, except myself. If I wasn't bit in the first place, maybe I wouldn't have invited an inevitable death my way. 

  "No, no, Y/N," Aris demanded, pressing another kiss to my lips, harsher this time around. Every emotion swarmed through him. He was going to have to lose another person, the pain even worse than the first time around. 

  He pulled away from me, understanding. "Oh," he said, lowering his hands and then his knee... slowly he was all the off and pulled me into his lap. "I get it now," he said, his tears streaming. He knew exactly why I wanted it, why this was my chance to go and leave fewer people hurt.

  My body didn't hurt anymore and my stomach continued to bleed, staining the sand. "I love you," I said quietly, "don't forget that," I muttered out. 

  "I love you, too," was the last audible thing I could heard from him as he sobbed. My eyes shut slowly, at peace.

  I heard screaming. I couldn't tell who it was, but Aris held me anyways.

  My chest rose and fell slowly until the last breath escaped from my mouth before everything went blank. 

  It was just me now... alone, like Aris. 

  He sobbed and so did the rest of the group. He carried my limp body once the shots had finished firing.

  I didn't hurt anymore and no one else would have to either. 

  Aris had laid me down, his hands going over my chest. He wasn't ready to give up though. He pushed against my airway, trying to resuscitate what wasn't there for much longer.

  Blood trickled from my mouth, paining my chest. The white aura I had seen was no longer there. It wasn't dark anymore, but my pain came back and I felt like I was choking on my own lungs.

  The pressure went back onto my stomach and my eyes weakly fluttered open.

  I wasn't outside. I was in a building, laying in a bed. People stood over me, everyone. 

  Aris was crying again and tears streamed down his cheeks. They were happy tears though and I was okay, which was all he ever needed.

  "So, that date, huh?" I hoarsely said and the others bent down and hugged me lightly, being gentle around my wounds.

  "I'm glad you're back," Aris mumbled into my neck.

  I never could have predicted how much I missed the Quiet One.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now