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First Person P.O.V


  Jorge was right: I knew exactly when we arrived. 

  The camp was quite large as everyone set out the tents. It wasn't cramped at all, really. There was plenty of room for everyone from both Group A and B.

  Huge boxes of armory were set out. I finally felt... safe. 

  After hours passed from unpacking, I looked around for Aris. It was about dinner time and I was hoping to catch him to eat a meal pack with.

  I found him eventually, waving over at him to see if he would come over.

  He did, of course. 

  "Hey," I said, a bit quietly. I had two meals in my hand, holding one out to him.

  "Thank you," Aris replied, taking it into his hand. I couldn't help but notice the small blush on his face. 

  "Mhm," I nodded, "I feel like we haven't talked in a bit." I began to eat, slowly but surely. My paper-thin skinned hands picking at the food. 

  "Y-yeah," he agreed, a small smile creeping up onto his lips. 

  Maybe he thought I was weird, or frail. I was dying after all, unless there was a cure magically made to save me. 

  It was something I accepted already.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now