
2.9K 65 6

First Person P.O.V.

  I threw myself backwards at the sound of the growls. If only I knew what those things could do at the time.

  I could then hear the sound of a metal link clanking with one another.

  They were chained up.

  "So, you like our guard dogs?" A girl with close cropped, brown hair asked as she maneuvered out of the darkness. "Cranks." She stated.

  "Who are you?" Thomas stepped closer to the girl.

  "I'm gonna need more information from you first before I can answer that." The girl crossed her arms.

  "Do you live here?" I spoke up, my voice hoarse from the particles of sand that floated into my lungs.

  "Give or take," the girl said.

  Aris made a face to say, "what do you mean?"

  "Yes." The girl nodded. "I live here. Now, let's go further inside before I get eaten alive by the cranks." She made a hand motion as if to reel us in.


  No matter how many times I repeated that word, it wouldn't stop bugging me.

  Why though?

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now