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First Person P.O.V


  I kneeled down, gathering items to place into a backpack. It was time we traveled. Jorge had decided that one for us. Although, I'd rather just drop dead right there at that very moment. It would make things a lot easier on my end.

  I stood, sighing. Isolating myself had only made me more aggressive. I would shout and hiss repeatedly at Mary when all she wanted to do was help.

  Grabbing the bag, I headed out of the tent after draping a scarf over my head to avoid burns. It really just looked like a torn up piece of a curtain. It was pink and yellow with an elegant floral design all over.

  I hated the sight of it.

  It reminded me that we were all out here in this wasteland. Not something I want to think about while on my deathbed.

  I walked over and stood between Thomas and Aris. "Hey," I said, my voice weak and hoarse.

  "Hey. You look like klunk," Thomas said bluntly.

  "Hi, Y/N," Aris greeted, looking down at me. I didn't think that he thought any less of me, knowing that I am turning and all.

  Hopefully not.

  I glanced around the camp, looking at the sand, rocks, anything. I wanted to be home, wherever that was in the world with whoever.

  "So, we ready to leave camp or what?" I asked, fake enthusiasm going into my voice as I lightly elbowed Thomas.

  "Just about. Sonya was just grabbing the last of her stuff with Harriet," Aris announced.

  "Good. That's good." I nodded smally, looking out ahead of us.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now