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  First Person P.O.V.
  As I looked towards the man behind the invisible wall, I had emotions swirling through me. "Who the shuck are you?" I sneered.

  "Don't talk to your superior like that." The man answered.

  I studied through his features, like I was flicking through a movie. I slightly frowned when the man said that. I anxiously scratched my neck, feeling an imprint of something. 'Check that later.' I mentally noted.

  "Listen here, Ratman." Minho stepped forward, getting as close to the wall as he could get. "Are you a creator or something? Have pleasure in throwing teens into a maze for three years?"

  Ratman looked like his eyes were gonna pop out. He furiously clenched his hands, his knuckles growing white. "Don't. Talk. To. Me. Like. That," He inched forward. "You will call me Janson."

  I was scared as I had watched this all play out. I instinctively grabbed someone's hand next to me. I looked towards the person; the person's hand that I had grabbed onto. Aris.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now