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First Person P.O.V


  After doing my fraternizing, Aris and I grew closer. It was a strange thing. Our friendship of some sort. It was like friends with benefits. Stolen kisses, cuddling, whatever had come to mind.

  Thomas was suspicious of it, so was Newt. I couldn't blame them. The pair were good friends of mine. Protective too. They knew something was up. Either Aris and I or the fact that my death was inevitable. I was on bed rest for what had felt like forever. My muscles were sore and I was constantly dehydrated due to the temperatures that soared in the Scorch.

  Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, somehow they managed to.

  Mary came into the small, heat struck tent. She pulled aside the opening flap and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

  "Bad news, huh?" I asked, my voice cracking a little as I stared up at her. Mary had glassy eyes, similar to the ones of a heartbroken puppy.

  The female nodded. "I have been monitoring your progression. It's getting worse," she said. "The cure isn't working."

  The words echoed inside of my head. I felt dizzy, like I was going to throw up or collapse. Tears pooled at the bottom of my eyes. "I'm gonna die," I said, my voice shrunken with sounds of pain, whimpers, "aren't I?"

  Mary frowned. She had tried. She gave everything that she had to find a cure and it didn't work.

  I swallowed, biting back my tears. "I- Aris doesn't know," I admitted quietly. "Thomas, Minho, Newt. I'm going to die and they're not going to be able to help." I sniffled, tears pouring down my cheeks.

  "They don't know!" I shouted, hitting my fists against the bed. "They don't know..." I silently sobbed as Mary pulled me into a hug.

  But eventually I would have to tell them all. Who knows how long I have left?

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now