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First Person P.O.V

  As Mary spoke, it felt as if I were listening to a foreign language. Not because of the medical terminology she used, nor the large words; but because of how she used them. She was almost nonchalant about her ways as she explained what had happened.

  "Cranks, we call them," Mary said, using her hands to gesture. "Some of you are immune to the airborne disease, others the opposite."

  I slowly nodded, running a hand through my hair. My gaze flickered between the middle aged woman leaning against a plastic fold up table in front of me and the sleeping Aris.

  "It's a lot to take it," I admitted as I continued to nod and ponder the thought process.

  Mary held up a needle filled with a blue liquid, almost at a precipitate stage. She swirled the liquid around in the clear tube. "It's the cure to the disease," she explained, her voice hushed as if she didn't want others to hear. "I've spent years working on it and it's finally here."

  I watched the needle carefully, scanning it and the multitudes of test tubes around her.

  "I should tell you this now, in case you didn't already know... You're not immune," Mary added, pursing her lips together. That news hit hard, the idea of me going crazy from it terrified me even. I didn't want to die since I was close to turning into a crank.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now