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  First Person P.O.V.

  After the entire group crawled along, making our way though as if it was another maze, Aris pryed off another vent grate. This one was larger than before.

  Everyone climbed out, the vent grate laying flat on the floor. I checked around the corners.

  "You guys go ahead, there's something I gotta do." Aris called out, a hand on the wall.

  "What are you talking about?" Thomas asked.

  "Trust me, it's important if you wanna get out of here." Aris reassured.

  "I'll go with you." I went over with him. "You guys go along."


  Third Person P.O.V.

   Aris and Y/N both climbed into the vents once again. "Where the hell are we going?" Y/N asked, rushing along.

  "We gotta go to where they'll get out." Aris vaguely explained.

  "Great explanation, Aris." Y/N rolled her eyes. "Just lead the way..."


  The rest of the group walked quick down the hall where they were left. They all turned a corner, running into a woman in a white lab coat.

  The woman was startled, slightly moving back. "What are you kids doing out?" Alarms then blared, orange lights flashing on the walls.

  The group looked around, the woman's eyes widening.

  Thomas grabbed onto her arm, rushing her down a hall.

  They ran until they hit a wall, Frypan being the first to hit a wall. A gun shot at them, the electricity bouncing off of a wall.

  They all ran back down a hall, Minho inching forward. "What are you doing?!" Thomas asked.

  Minho ran down, slightly grunting as he made impact with a man who had fired the gun earlier.

  The rest of the group rushed forward, Newt laying a hand onto the wall. "Well... Damn Minho."

  "Let's go. Come on." Thomas picked up the gun, pressing it to the woman's back.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now