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First Person P.O.V


  Aris and I talked for a while, joking around once the tension in the air was cut through. I laughed, and I hadn't in a while. 

  I nudged him playfully after he told me how he had seen Thomas writing an awkward confession letter to another member of the group. 

  "Not Teresa I hope?" I asked.

  "No, not Teresa. I don't think at least," he answered.

  I shrugged my shoulders a little. I knew who it was already. 

  Aris cleared his throat, staring down at his lap. He looked... flustered, was the best way to put it. His cheeks were red and I could tell his hands were getting sweaty by the way he rubbed him on his pants. "I was wondering if I could ask you something?" 

  "Shoot," I decided, "what's up?" I responded.

  "I know we didn't really have much of a- uh, opportunity?" Aris said hesitantly, trying to word it right, "but I was wondering if maybe at some point you wanted to, I dunno, go out past some of the rocks and maybe watch the sunset or something?" He offered up. 

  "Like a date?" I asked, grinning already.

 "Yes!" He exclaimed nervously. "Like a date! Only if you want that, of course!" 

  I laughed, one that was genuine. Enough to knock some of the air out of me. "I'd like that, a lot," I decided.

  Suddenly wind rushed through the entire camp and I looked up. Some sort of a aircraft was lowering towards the ground.

  I saw the detail, gasping a little. "This is bad," I said.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now