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  Third Person P.O.V.

  The Gladers ran down the hall, reaching the medical wing eventually. They all busted though the door.

  "Where is she?!" Thomas asked harshly, pointing the gun at a doctor. He turned his head and saw Teresa, passing the gun off to Minho.

  He ripped aside a typical hospital curtain, revealing Teresa who was laying in all white. The bed, her clothes, all white. She had a medical tube hooked up, laying on her side.

  Shouting continued on the other side of the curtain. "Teresa?" Thomas asked, reaching down to smooth her hair. "What'd they do to you?" He asked.

  Teresa looked up, her eyes widening. "Thomas?" She asked. "What's going on?" She raised her head.

  Newt was binding together doctor's hands, Minho keeping them at gunpoint.

  "We gotta go right now. Come on." Thomas made a hand motion, pulling her up.

  "They're coming!" Frypan shouted. "Get out of the way!" Newt flipped a metal tapped, pushing it against a door.

  "Get back!" Minho pushed the others aside. The door being pushed open, it moving a bit.

  Thomas picked up a chair, lifting it high and slamming it against the glass. Newt also picked up another chair. When he slammed it the glass shattered, turning away from the pieces of sharp debree.

  "Go, go, go!" Thomas and Newt tosses aside their chairs. Teresa draped her cardigan over the frame, Thomas helping her out.

  Minho tossed the gun to Thomas, opening the door to reveal a worker. He shot the gun, the worker sent into a heap on the floor.

  Everyone was stunned for a second, running along after. They ran down the hall. Thomas took out a worker's card that he had taken before, running it through the system. The machine flashed red. "Come on..." He kept running it along.

  "Thomas!" Janson called, his "army" along next to him. Everyone turned around.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now