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  First Person P.O.V.

  "Last time Thomas went with Aris, they had to rush back." Minho stated while he shoved something into a bag.

  "If you don't want to go then, fine." I shrugged my shoulders and tossed a walkie talkie over my shoulder, the device smacking the ground.

  Newt bent down and grabbed the device. "Where did you get these?" He asked and looked up slightly.

  "Nowhere in particular." I gave a devilish grin as I turned around. "Now who's in?"

  "I need more spice in this empty room," Minho looked towards me.

  "Minho, you're in this room. Anymore spice and we'll all die in here." I said in almost perfect sync with Newt.

  Minho slowly nodded, tapping a finger on his chin. "I'm in."

  "Newt? Thomas?" I asked and motioned towards the set who had been previously talking.

  "I'm only coming because I don't need you all in danger." Newt said.

  "Okay, mother dearest." I joked and lightly punched him in the shoulder.

  Newt slightly smiled at the nickname.

  "Count me in," Thomas smiled. "Aris?"

  "Yeah, yeah." Aris nodded and looked away from the shelf he was looking in.

  "Great!" I tossed a walkie talkie to Minho. "The Ivy Trio stays together. Aris and I will go on another route. Now, we all ready to go?"

  The others nodded.


A/N: There is now a new cover. It was made by me.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now