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  First Person P.O.V.

  I ran through the complex, following the group. Aris was on my left side, light shining and glistening on his eyes. Adrenaline ran through my blood, the main thing that kept me going.

  Well, Aris kept me running to. The quicker we could get out, the easier it will be to smack him over the head without a pause.

  I ended up staring off, a nudge was pressed against me. "Huh?" I asked, looking over.

  "You were about to run into a machine. I figured that you didn't want to be impaled." Aris shrugged, following the group and running outside.

  "Haha," I rolled my eyes. "Very funny." I followed him outside, running even faster. "Come on, slow poke."

  "Oh, shut up." Aris said as he ran quicker than me.

  "How about...." I started. "No?"

  The entire group ran, reaching tall walls that reminded the group of the Maze walls. Newt blinked profoundly, as if a memory flashed before his eyes. He snapped out of it as soon as the doors opened up.

  Dust and flew out, it hitting my eyes. "Let's go!" Minho yelled, it being what he was good at. Well, being in command and yelling were his strong points.

  Newt and Thomas nodded, running in. Teresa was next to Thomas, her cardigan blowing against the strong wind. It was dark, very dark. I could barely see ahead of myself.

  We all ran in; a single call wasn't needed for us to stick together.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now