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First Person P.O.V.

  As Jorge ran over to the window, I raised an eyebrow as I hurried over. My paced picked up.

  I sucked in air as I realized what we were doing...

  There was a broken window, a rope that lead out, and an old, dirty mattress at the bottom.

  "We're going out of that?" Newt asked haulting in his steps.

  "You bet." Jorge gave a devilish grin, Minho joining along with him.

  "We don't have time to waste," Jorge warned. He brought the rope inside, swinging it around the metal hook.

  "I'm first."

  The voice came from Brenda. She gripped onto the rope, throwing herself forward. She swung out, her feet in front of her, her feet flexed. Her toes pointed up towards the sky. She collapsed on the matress, rolling. She chucked the rope back.

  "Next?" Jorge asked as the rope came back in, it tossled.

  "I'll go," I said. I raised my hand.

  "Alright." Jorge handed the rope to me.

  I wrapped my hands around it, strangling it as I ran forward.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now