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First Person P.O.V.

  I pouted when he refused to tell me who he shipped. "C'mon!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up into the air.

  Aris stuck out his tongue. "Not happening." He shook his head as we trotted along in the sand.

  "Fine. Be that way." I crossed my arms and dramatically turned away.

  Aris elbowed Frypan. "She needs to sort out her priorities."

  I wasn't sure if he was joking. I ran a hand through my hair, my head fixed on the ground. I'd prefer that my corneas don't weaken today. I cut up a old, cheap bedsheet to wrap around myself.

  Minho looked over to Thomas and Newt. "How about we make a shelter?" He suggested. "I mean- we have sheets and stuff. We'll be well prepared. There's got to be a stick out her somewhere. One other than Thomas's d-"

  Newt held up a hand before he could finish.

  Winston was hunched over, choking on a thick, black liquid. He hacked away, spilling himself onto the sand.

  The group rushed towards him, a sequence of knees smacking the ground.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now