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  First Person P.O.V

  "What's wrong with him?" I ask, my breaths harsh. The hot sand fills the hole in my heart as I stare at our friend.

Newt's eyes trail towards his shirt. "This...," he mutters. The teen raises the fabric, letting out a soft gasp. His eyes widened.

  I put my hand down into the sand, closing it around Aris's. I was scared. Of course. I've know Winston for as long as I can remember. I gripped it like it was my lifeline.

  Thomas frowned, his hand loosening from around his gun.

  Winston breathes, his lungs sounding as if they're going to crinkle like a sheet of paper. His eyes spoke it all.  "Kill me..." His voice was hushed.

  Minho took the gun from Thomas. "Whatever those things did, we can't have it spread. Winston will be miserable." He pressed the gun into Winston's chest.

  "We better go," a voice said. A few nods erupted and we packed up camp again, dragging ourselves along. 

  Once we were all ready, we said our tense goodbyes and kept walking.

  The sound of a final gunshot rung through our ears, shudderings being let out.


Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now