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  First Person P.O.V.

  I felt adrenaline rush throughout me as the wind blew through my hair.




  This were the words I repeated in my head as I went spiralling towards the group from the broken window.

  I crash landed on to an old mattress at the bottom. I unhooked myself from the concoction of ropes.

  "Fun, wasn't it?" I asked Aris, who had just rolled his eyes playfully.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for the others to come down and greet us.

  We all started to run at once, dust trials kicking up from the disheveled movements.

  We ran like there was no tomorrow.

  For one of us, that was true.

  The maze had been one thing. This was the next.

  Little did I know that running from WICKED was one of the best and worst mistakes of my life.

Quiet Ones//Aris Jones X Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now