Blue Skies for Freedom

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Harry ripped his arm away from Dumbledore's.

"I don't care! I don't care, I don't care, I DONT CARE!!" He screamed, frustrated and almost to tears.

Dumbledore was patient, but there was a glimmer of frustration in his eyes. "Now, now, your highness. You must be kept in the castle, where you will be safe. If you desire a friend, I'm sure the Weasleys have some children your age."

Harry stomped his foot. The raven haired 7 year old was angry. He had only wanted to play with the nice blonde girl outside.

Her name was Susan Bones, and she was really nice to him! She even called his black, gold and blue encrusted wings pretty! While most wings were based on red, white, blue and yellow, he was special, and he often got bullied for that. She was the first person who complimented him.

Nobody else had done that but Fred and George, who were bestest friends in the entire world!

"But Ron and Ginny are weird! And of course they have children my age, they have babies every year!" He screeched.

Dumbledore's white wings twitched and he frowned. "Your highness, you will stay in your room and that's final!"


Harry wiped the furious tears from his cheeks. Why couldn't Dumbledore understand? His wings craved freedom, needed to feel the wind through it. So he sulked in his room.

He felt numb.

There was a knock on the door. He glared at it. "Go away!"

"Oh? I suppose he doesn't want us here..."

"Maybe we should just leave him."

"Well, he doesn't want our company..."

He gasped as he recognized the voices. He hurriedly opened the door. "Gred! Forge! You're here!"

The identical nine year olds grinned. "Of course! Why wouldn't we be?"

Fred and George were identical soul twins, and both had bright red hair and sky blue eyes. Their bright orange yellow wings speckled with white and blue twitched. They were his only friends in the castle.

When he explained the situation to them, they nodded grimly.

"Well, I suppose you can use: this!" Fred said, handing him a block. While it was pretty, it looked like a regular black block with silver and gold designs and runes. He stared at it.

"....what is it?"

George grinned at him. "Well, we heard stuff about some kind of glamour. Since magic isn't allowed anymore, we decided to make something that doesn't require us to do magic."

"So it's perfectly legal. It's a HoloBox. Aren't we amazing?"

"It makes a hologram. We also have a golem. You put the hologram on top of the golem, so it both looks like you, and feels like you!"

Harry grinned, and hugged them, avoiding their wings. "Thanks. You guys are the best!"

Fred and George waved it off. "We know we're amazing. Now, all you have to do is prick your finger here," Harry does so, watching the golem morph into a crude example of him and the hologram fixing it. "And then send a bit of your magic." Again, Harry does so.

The clone stands up and smiles at him. It has the same babyish face, tan skin and the brightest green eyes. It also has the messy, wild black hair that he inherited from his late father, the king.

George pats his head teasingly, and Fred shakes his hand with a fake, professional air. "Well then, we shall be off, your majesty. Have fun!"

Harry beams at them. "Of course! Don't get in trouble!"


He whooped, making spins in the air. The Kingdom of Arpia was placed onto a floating island in the clouds. Freedom was not allowed, and Magick was banned because of Dumbledore.

Finally, he landed beside a glade. There was a large pond, and tall (A/n: Big ass trees) trees covered the sky, allowing those underneath to see above but not the opposite.

He stared into the pond's reflection, until he heard a quiet 'hello'. He jumped and turned around. There was a small blonde girl. A year younger than him, she had white flattened deer like ears and a gold spiraled horn. There were a few rainbow streaks in her silver blonde hair as well as a rainbow tail.

"Uh, h-hi. I'm Harry," He said. She smiled.

"Hello. My name is Luna Lovegood. But the animals call me Loony Lovegood. You will find a friend here, one who will be your most trusted and your heart," she whispered mysteriously.

He blinked, confused. "Huh?"

She pointed towards a cave wall, which was nearby and was covered in vines and foliage. "Your heart is there. He doesn't come out often, but he's special. He'll be the one by your side as you fight."

Harry followed the unicorn's advice and parted the leafy plants hiding the cave entrance. There was a black and red tailed Naga. The tail was a beautiful shining black, while the underbelly was a deep blood red. The Naga was a male, the same age as Harry, and he had dark brown hair. He was asleep and Harry crept closer, wanting to look at the beautiful brunette.

Suddenly, he was pinned down, and there was a tail around his legs, keeping him in place as his wings were painfully pushed against the floor.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my home?" The Naga glared at him and Harry blushed. "Answer me, or I'll kill you!"

Harry knew. This was the face of a warrior. The stance of a soldier, of someone who saw horrors and decided to live on.

"Ah-- um, you're pretty!" he blurted out, watching the Naga's red eyes brighten in anger before they widened in shock as the Naga processed what he said.

"W-wha?! Y-you're lying! No one finds me pretty... They all think I'm a freak," The Naga mumbled.

Harry shook his head violently. "B-but your scales are really pretty and your eyes are like rubies!"

The Naga got off of him, face flushing in pleasure at the praise.

"M-my name is Harry," he said. The Naga nodded.

"I'm Tom. But I'm going to be special! I'll change my name soon enough."

Harry frowned. "But Tom is a nice name. It suits you!" Tom blushed and curled into a ball, muttering something.

Harry didn't know what he was saying but it was a jumble of hisses. "So, uhhh. Let's be friends? The Unicorn outside said you'd be important to me."

Tom nodded and Harry decided to interrupt the awkward silence by talking. Soon, instead of just staring at him silently, Tom started to add comments and bits of advice into the conversation as well.

Harry smiled and his heart warmed. Maybe that Luna girl was right. Maybe Tom was going to be special.

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