Pink Stars for Adoration

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Harry only sat there in boredom as Dumbledore instructed him how to eat with proper forks and spoons.

Harry thought it was the stupidest thing ever. Why did you need know how to use 15 spoons just to eat soup?!

Dumbledore lectured him and when he noticed that Harry was not paying attention, sighed.

"Alright your highness. Since you aren't paying attention, I'll let you play. But only inside."

Harry cheered. Although he would rather be with Tom, this was still better than finding the salad fork and distinguishing it from the meat fork.

Harry ran out of the room, and immediately bumped into Fred and George. The two omegas smirked at him.

"Why hello,"


"How do,"

"You do?"

They chimed in perfect unison.

Harry shrugged and pulled them into a corner. While most would find it scandalous; an unmated alpha with two unmated omegas, they didn't mind, since Harry was totally in love with Tom.

After his birthday, Tom had not hidden his secondary gender. His beauty grew with each day. His hips had grown wider, and his usually sharp features has softened to make him look more delicate and feminine. But he could still kick Harry's butt faster than Luna can say 'Nargles'.

"Guys, today, there's going to be visitors in the castle. Apparently, they're dukes or something from another kingdom," Harry said seriously before he smirked.

The two omegas smirked sadistically. "So you want us to prank them? Can do, your highness."

Harry snickered.

Hermione, a red feathered harpy, strutted over. "Harry! Stay away from those evil twins! They'll corrupt you!"

Harry glared at the bushy haired beta. She huffed and put her hands on her hips. "Harry, you're so irresponsible. You should listen to Dumbledore more. He knows best, and so do I, so you better listen to me! Ron and I only want the best for you, so you can't go and associate with these two. They'll only seduce you and take your money!" She ranted.

Harry felt unbelievable fury in his veins, and as he smelled the sour smell of hurt, he saw red.

How dare this bitch insult his friends, when she was the one who took his money and bossed him around as if she was the queen. How dare she even be in his presence. How dare she!

He stood up with the furious aura of an enraged alpha and growled.

She trembled and shook, shocked at the sudden change of the seemingly meek boy.

"Don't you dare insult my friend, you bitch," he snarled, furiously.

Hermione gasped in fear, stumbling back with tears of terror in her eyes. Harry's black wings stretched over her intimidatingly, causing a shadow over her.

He was about to lunge at her and probably rip out her throat when Fred and George pulled him back.

"Harry, we swear,"

"It's fine."

Harry calmed at the scent and feeling of his pack, and he turned, but not before he glared ferociously at Hermione.

He stomped away, with two amused omegas on his trail. "I can't believe she just said that!! Who does she think she is?! I'm going to rip her apart and feed her to a goddamn nundu."

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