Orange Marigolds for Jealousy

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Harry came back every single night for two weeks.

Luna was a curious character. She was dreamy, and sweet, but often, she said things that never made sense, until they actually happened. Tom had called her a seer. Harry hoped she wasn't like that crazy palace prophet who was named Tralawney.

Tom was... Bossy. He liked to keep things neat and in order. He seemed very mature for his age, and tended to look down on others. However, he only seemed to respect Luna. Tom often disregarded Harry's opinion, calling him 'imbecile', 'nitwit', 'peasant' and other terms. Although he was somewhat nice, he seemed very cruel to a poor 7 year old.

He envied Luna for her respect. Today, he was trying to convince Tom to go outside.

"Why should I?" He said, staring at Harry in annoyance. Harry exploded.

He pushed Tom against the wall, glaring at him with his emerald eyes. "Because you need to get some fresh air! You never listen to me!! I'm trying to help you, Tom!"

His black wings stretched to the cave ceiling, shadowing over Tom's smaller figure. "Go outside and take a breather!"

Tom's tail stretched forward, and he hissed, baring his fangs. "Make me!"

Harry roared in anger and soon, they were wrestling on the stone floor. They punched, kicked (Harry did, Tom didn't have legs), pinched and even bit each other. Tom punched Harry's face and Harry used one arm to pull Tom's slender tail, using the other to hold Tom's neck and trap the Naga underneath him.

"Say sorry!" Harry demanded, pulling Tom's tail harshly.

Tom wiggled and struggled but Harry was bigger than him.  "F-fine! I'm sorry!"

Harry narrowed his eyes. "And you promise to go outside more often?"

Tom nodded, tears in his eyes. "I-I promise!"

Harry smiled but then released Tom hurriedly.

Suddenly, he realized what he had truly done.

"Wahh! Tom, I'm so sorry! I hurt you!" He panicked, wondering if he lost his only best friend.

Tom rubbed his neck but smiled at him. "It's fine, Harry. I'm okay."

Harry looked at apologetically. "Are you sure? You're not mad?"

"No you silly bird. I'm not angry."

There was silence. Before Tom began to chuckle and then laugh loudly, causing Harry joined in. Not because he understood why but because Tom's laughter was beautiful.

He wanted to bottle it, and listen to it forever.

It was gentle, and happy, and sounded like bells. Harry watched as Tom's face flushed and his eyes shine with mirth.


Wait what.


Harry sulked as the youngest two Weasleys chatted.

"Harry! Mate, wanna play chess?"

"Harry, Harry! Don't I look cute? We should get married!"

Harry had only just discovered his crush on Tom, and was grumpy he wasn't able to say anything. Surely Tom wouldn't like him anymore if he told him of his crush.

"Harry, my boy. Aren't you going to play with them? They really like you and would like to spend some time with you," Dumbledore said kindly.

Harry hmphed, but didn't say anything. He wanted Tom. Not these two fangirl/boy.

Fred and George were not allowed to play with him, since Mrs. Weasley thought they would "corrupt" him or whatever. Bill, the eldest son, was away in Hogwarts, a school which used to teach magic but now just taught things like 'math' or 'science' instead of Arithmetic classes and Transfiguration.

Charles, the second eldest, was also away. (A/n: I don't know the age differences so bear with me)

Ginny, the youngest and also the only girl simpered when he stared at her. "Yes?" He said irritably. "Do you need something?"

Ron, the youngest male, crossed his arms and tried to look intimidating, which only made him look constipated. "Hey! That's my sister you're talking to!"

Harry glared at him. He could treat anyone anyway he liked! Especially if they're annoying, bratty selfish little girls who can't stop fangirling after a kid's name! He wanted to scream but he kept quiet. Tom would be proud.

He'd stare at Harry with an unreadable expression and then pat him on the head. Harry was lost in thoughts about Tom that he didn't notice the jealous looks the youngest Weasleys were giving him, or when Dumbledore gently grabbed his hand.

They flew home soon after they said goodbye. Harry had only quietly mumbled it. When they landed on the green grass of the front lawn, Dumbledore turned towards Harry with a condescending look.

"Harry. That was completely rude," he scolded.

Harry glared. "Well, I don't like them! They're annoying!"

Dumbledore sighed. He said,"Harry, that is no way to treat them. They just wanted to be your friend."

Harry stomped his foot on the ground and screamed,"I hate them! I hate you!"

Dumbledore stepped back, as if slapped, and looked hurt. Harry felt guilty.

"A-ah... I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean it."

"No, no... We all say things we don't mean. Just... Promise to give them a chance?"

Harry nodded. "I promise."

Harry walked to the castle, never noticing Dumbledore's smirk or how his eyes twinkled evilly as he plotted how to keep his weapon under his thumb.......


OMG I GOT SO HAPPY WHEN I GOT NOTIFICATIONS ABOUT PEOPLE ADDING MY STORY INTO READING LISTS!!!! No Siriusly, I was super happy. Comment, I always enjoy reading your comments! I try to respond in any way I can (without seeming weird but unfortunately not over eager).

Btw, this story is also a femslash. Which means, there'll be girl x girl. Don't like, don't read. I'll make sure to warn you of there's any smut coming.

If any of you wish to see the pictures I made for this story, just ask! I'll have to use pics though, because I have no idea how to make digital art, even though it looks super cool.

Bye for now!

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