Periwinkle Flowers for Love

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A choked sob.

The figure writhed in agony, but they were alone, and their eyes were closed in sleep.

The figure twisted, and another sob was ripped from their throat.

Purple and pink carnations grew in bundles around the crying figure, each striped and glowing lightly in the moonlight.

A scream suddenly rang through the air with its shrill, startling sound.

A crash sounded nearby, and a young, blonde girl, one with a spiraled horn on her head and rainbow streaks through her hair ran towards the figure.

"Eveline! Eveline! Wake up!" The girl screamed, nearly crying in horror as her mate didn't wake.

An angelic boy, one with brown hair and red eyes, and the black tail of a snake from the hips down, slithered up to her.

"Luna! Hold down her arms! She's hurting herself. We have to wait for Harry. Moon, perform the song," said the boy smoothly, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

Luna stood up and when she opened her mouth, a sweet but terrifying sound came out. It was shrill but beautiful at the same time.

And it scared everyone who could hear it.

Immediately, the forest around them curved itself to protect their guardian, and the two creatures watched in concern as the third struggled against their hold.


Harry woke up with a gasp.

His pack was calling him.

He turned on his Holobox, which was still in pretty good condition.

The Harry clone saluted as he left. Harry flew through the air, casting cleaning spells on his mouth as he did so, landing where the call originated from.

Luna was sitting on Eveline's legs while Tom was trying to hold her arms down.

Eveline struggled, and Harry gasped in alarm as one of her hands flew out of Tom's grip. He immediately grabbed it and brought it back to Tom's hands.

"Thank you," Tom said, his face contorted in panic.

"What's happening?!?!"

Luna spoke up. "Eveline had been screaming. You need to wake her up, I can't do it myself."

Harry gulped. Then he gave a sharp, deep note.

Eveline's eyes flew open, and she accidentally slapped Tom in the face.

"What the— Tom! Luna... Harry?" She asked, confused. Tears still dripped from her eyes, and she wiped them away.

Harry looked at her in worry.

"Eveline... you were screaming. What happened?"

The female alpha jumped and a smile came on her face.

"Nothing happened. I'm fine."

It was a lie.

And the smile was fake.

The other three looked at her in concern but she waved them off.

Tom looked around. "How about a sleepover? We could sleep in my cave, like we used to do, remember?"

Eveline looked reluctant, but she complied when Luna looked at her pleadingly.

Harry decided to stay too. His Holobox has been charged for awhile, so it would last him about 15 hours, more than enough time.

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