Fuschia Pearls for Sweetness

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Harry continued to chat with Dumbledore.

How long had it been since he had a carefree, casual conversation with Dumbledore?

Tom was silent by his side.

When Harry offered to get a snack, he made sure to use a hearing charm to listen to Tom's and Dumbledore's conversation.

"Lilith. Your husband dearly loves you," Dumbledore noted, smiling. His eyes sparkled behind his glasses like he was happy.

Tom huffed. "Of course he does. He can't do anything without me. My husband may be an idiot at times, but he is my dear beloved."

"How did you two meet?"

Tom had a pained expression on his face. "I can't tell you that."

Then he moved away, but not before Harry appeared. "Lilith, I brought you some canelé."

Tom took one, eating it carefully after he took off his gloves.

Harry smiled. "Sweetie, why don't you go chat with the other wives. I'll be here with Dumbledore."

Tom made a pout but he left, glancing at him to be careful.

Dumbledore turned to Harry. "Lord Gryffindor, if I may ask, how did you meet Lilith? You mentioned something about her not being here without you."

Harry pretended to think, his posture changing to a more guarded, sad position.

"She was taken as a slave by a couple of harpies. She hates them with a passion for that afterwards. Thankfully, she warmed up to them a little bit, so she isn't that hostile." He said softly. He made sure his eyes were downcast, as if in memories.

"She is also extremely terrified of them, but she will try to hide it with her anger. Lilith was in a dark place before I came."

Dumbledore was quiet. "I hope you will help her get better."

Harry was surprised but he masked it with a smile.

The old goat sounded sincere.

"Thank you."

Dumbledore chuckled. "I feel like I can trust you, Lord Gryffindor. Can you keep a secret?"

Harry laughed a little, as if he was feeling carefree, though inwardly, his insides were twisting in anticipation. "Of course. What are you going to say to me?"

Dumbledore thought a bit. "I have been hearing about this king, from a city that I should've destroyed. Apparently, he has rebuilt Lixo Cadade and named himself ruler. I have plans to attack the city once more and get rid of him."

Harry froze. "You have destroyed that city before?"

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded. "I got rid of the trash living there but I thought it had been uninhabited for all these years."

Harry opened his mouth but then suddenly, there was a shriek that sounded awfully like Tom's. He turned, shocked as an alpha harpy was harassing the other wives.

Tom was trying to pull his hand away from the harpy's grip.

"Hey~. You know you like it. Don't try to be innocent." He said, smirking lecherously.

Tom had crocodile tears in his eyes, and he glanced at Harry with fear in his eyes. Harry knew, deep down, Tom was only faking his fear.

He knew Tom could handle the weak, perverted alpha, but something inside of him snapped.

He grabbed the bigger alpha by the shoulder and whirled him around.

"Oi. What the hell are you doing to my wife, you twat?!" He snarled.

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