Butterscotch Pie for Dishonesty

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(A/n: some language)

Dumbledore stared at his wall. Fawkes was silent, his voice was rarely ever heard but the old beta didn't care.

His pure white wings stretched above him like an angel's halo, except that he certainly wasn't an angel.

How would he be able to trick Harry into being his puppet?

Dumbledore wasn't always like this.

He used to be...


___________ ( Flashback ) __________

Albus smiled at the sight of his secret crush.

Gellert grinned at him. His red wings glistened, and Albus averted his eyes from staring.

It was rude to look until you were at least lovers.

"G-Gellert..." He said quietly. "What do you need?"

The alpha chuckled, rocking on his feet, his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Hey, can we go to your house again?"

Albus narrowed his eyes.

"Alright... why?" The beta asked.

Gellert shrugged. "No reason."

When they arrived, Gellert immediately walked up to Aberforth, smiling charmingly.

"Aberforth! Long time no see, how are you?"

Aberforth glared at him. The omega was wearing an apron, crossing his arms as he snarled.

"What do you want, Grindelwald? Get out of here! We don't need you around!" He shouted, his omegan scent exploding out in waves before it retracted.

He angrily stormed away, but not before checking that his goats had food.

However, Gellert grabbed his hand.

"Aberforth, don't be so cold. C'mon, can't we just get along?" He said smoothly, fingering the scent glands on Aberforth's wrist.

Aberforth flushed but pulled his hand away harshly, clutching it to his chest.

"Seems to me like you want to get just more than to get along," he growled.

Albus furrowed his eyebrows as he watched his secret love flirt with his brother, who only sassed him back.

Then, a girl with blonde hair stepped into the room. She mumbled something, and Aberfoth turned, smiling widely.

"Ariana! What are you doing awake? Go back to sleep," he cooed, his scent spreading out to calm her. Both omegas released their scents rapidly.

If anything, it just made Gellert sport a lovesick grin on his face.

Albus seethed in jealousy and he could only feel the need to be watched by Gellert grow and blossom in his chest.

And that was when he changed.

____________ ( Flashback End ) _____

Dumbledore stood up, and then he called in Ginny.

"Ginny, my girl!" He chuckled happily, forcing the spell on his eyes harder to make it twinkle more.

"Yes, Dumbledore?" She asked impatiently.

The old professor stroked his long, silvery beard. "I have heard that dear Harry has been hostile towards you and your brother. Can you tell me why?"

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