Iron Hearts for Gloom

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Harry sobbed, his heart breaking even further.

There was no one to comfort him. There wasn't a dreamy voice to tell him he was going to be okay, there wasn't a hand on his shoulder to pat him on the back, and there weren't slender arms wrapping around him.

He was alone.

Alone in this manipulative and corrupted castle.

He covered his face and cried, as he slowly fell asleep.

If he had stayed awake, he would've heard the soft murmurs of the heavens, singing their ancient prophecy, that would soon come true and the dark blue night glow red with blood-like colors.

Crimson paints the once blue skies
An angel for the devil, an eye for an eye
As the angel dies, the devil sings his song
As his kindness fades, the heavens sings along
The queen leaves, and the Dark takes flight
Secrets unravel, can the Light survive each night?


Fred and George stared at Harry.

He was different.

It wasn't hard to figure out what happened. Dumbledore has given a "great" speech about a group of savages in the forest, and that they had ran away.

The twins had even visited the Forbidden Forest to see if it was true and to ask about why Harry wasn't seeing the residents, but didn't see anyone.

There were only splatters of blood, and while they were horrified, they knew it wasn't their friends' blood.

George has found a note, and suddenly, everything made sense.

Harry's sudden gloominess, the increase in guards around his wing of the palace, and Dumbledore's sudden interest in Harry's whereabouts.

Now, Fred was cuddling his younger twin, who was sleeping peacefully.

Fred thought over what to say when they were going to confront Harry.

George made a mumbling sound and then turned, starting to drool on Fred's shoulder.

Fred gently moved his brother off of him and tucked him in. He got up, and then walked out of their room.

Their mother was yelling at their dad. "Arthur! Why are you so incompetent?! I ask you one thing, Arthur, one thing! Why can't you complete it?!"

He visibly shook. "B-but Molly-wobbles——"

"Don't you 'Molly-wobbles' me! You are a——"

Before she could continue, Fred walked away and out the door.

He sighed. The only one he cared for in that god forsaken family was his elder brothers and George.

He flew through the air, before he came upon Malfoy. The neko was watering some flowers, and Fred flew down curiously.

Malfoy smiled at the seeds he had watered and then crouched down. Small little green plants were starting sprout, and he beamed.

"Yes! It's growing!" He cheered. His tail swished from side to side in happiness, and he sat down on a rock.

He was silent for a long time.

"I hope they like my surprise," he whispered.

Fred was confused.

Who was 'they'?

Did Malfoy have a crush on someone?

That was weird. He didn't expect that.

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