Black Scales for Power

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Tom glared at the follower.

"Idiot! You did it incorrectly after I've explained this three times!" He hissed, stomping over to scold the sputtering beta.

Harry was staring at him.

Last night, his friends woke up and apparently, had no memory of what happened. Neither did Tom.

Only Harry could remember Tom's desperation and he was disappointed to find that he didn't remember.

Harry himself was feeling rather cross. His body ached and there was an itch beneath his skin.

He knew what it was.

His rut was coming.

Eveline was finished with her student, and walking over to him, she observed his tense, draped figure.

"Harry," she murmured, "Have you been getting enough rest?"

Harry slowly shook his head.

He was tired and exhausted, but he wanted nothing more than to wrap up Tom in his bed sheets and ruin him until he sobbed for more.

Right now, he was admiring Tom's long legs.

Harry growled slightly, and then sat up, just as there was a scream of terror.

An alpha was dragging a young girl, one with black hair...


Harry bolted up, snarling. Tom waved a hand to stop anyone from moving,

The alpha tossed Romelia on the floor, making her cry out in pain as her arm impacted against the crystal floor.

"Here's your little thief! What do you have to say for yourself, Voldemort? Have you fallen so low that you let your followers protect thieves?" He hissed, stomping over to Tom, who stared at him with cold eyes.

The alpha was big and bulky, and he looked like he could rip Tom in two. His skin was littered in scars, one fluffy ear hanging by his head while the other had a hole in it.

This alpha was a fighter.

Tom purred. "Villarreal... What a big claim you're making. What proof do you have that she's a thief?"

His scent curled around him tantalizingly, but the inu alpha was not easily tempted, though Harry could see his body grow stiffer in its natural reaction to relax.

"I saw this little rat try to steal something of ours. Our gang is allied with yours, but since you think that you can steal from us, you might have to be taught a lesson," he sneered, his one blue eye narrowing.

Tom turned towards Romelia, who was trying to sit up.

Her feathers were ruffled and broken, her skin was bruised and dirty but she still tried to stand, even with her arm bent at an awkward angle.

"Romelia. Did you take something from them?"

Romelia looked at him with her bright eyes. A bruise was starting to form on her swollen cheek, but slowly, she nodded.

Tom tilted his head.

His expression did not change from its calm, open look.

"What did you take?"

Romelia was silent. "... Julio told me that his family used to have an expensive heirloom. I found it on the streets, so I took it."

The alpha snarled. "See! She is a thief! Execute her!"

Tom put up a hand to silence him. "Shush, Villarreal."

Villarreal was too angry to be quiet apparently. "No! She has stolen something from us and should be punished! We have been silent for too long and we will be no longer! I refuse to listen and be allied with an omega!"

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