Blood Apples for Passion

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Fred and George awkwardly approached Tom.

Said naga blinked at them.


The twins looked opposite ways. "C-could you teach us how to do that scent thing?"

Blaise flushed. "I-I'd like to learn it as well."

Tom stared at them, shocked. Then he smiled. "Sure."


Harry looked up. He sniffed, as the scent of omega filled his nose.

Neville and Draco looked up. Their eyes sharpened.

Almost mindless, they followed the tantalizing scent.

Harry swallowed, as he identified Tom's autumn-like scent. When they opened the door, another blast of omegan scent reached their noses.

Harry could taste it. It lied heavy on his tongue and he tried not to breath through his nose too much.

Tom turned, smirking. "Oh look. We found a guinea pig."

Then his smile turned sharp and his eyes darkened. "Kneel."

Harry found himself on one knee, struggling to breathe as he tried to stand. A hand threaded through his hair, and he relaxed, his desire to fight back leaving him quickly.

When he glanced out the corner of his eye, he could see Neville and Draco collapse.

He melted against the clever hands. His wings stretched out, and he made a trilling sound.

Tom chuckled. Then his scent disappeared and there were arms around his neck, pushing him against a warm body.

The naga purred, and Harry nuzzled him. He rubbed his scent on the older omega and his wings covered them.

"Umm... should we go, or...?"

Harry opened his eyes. Then he blinked.

Fred and George were unimpressed. Blaise was rather flustered. Tom was still wrapped around him and cuddling his hair, cooing as he rubbed his face against Harry's cheek.

Harry flushed and his hair caught on fire. Blaise jumped but the twins only stared at him in amusement.

Tom sighed and then patted Harry's cheek twice before making a soft sound.

Harry's fire extinguished just as fast as it came.

Tom giggled and then he pushed the dazed harpy away so he could finally get some work done.

The other three omegas obediently walked out the door, pulling a disgruntled Harry and two other unconscious alphas with them.


Tom was stone-faced.

His tail twitched in irritation. "What do you have for me?"

The beta in front of him trembled. "U-ummm... t-there has a complication in the p-plan——!"

Immediately, he was choking as the tail squeezed him, almost making his face bulge blue.

Tom's face was twisted in fury. "What?!"

/////////////// ( Time Skip ) ////////////

"And so... who can obtain these invitations?"

Every death eater nervously glanced at each other.

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