Azure Streamers for Trust

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It was a moonless night. Usually, Harry would slip out during the day, since he was a daredevil, but it was a special night.

Today was the day before Harry's 11th birthday. July 31. He had a tradition, when he was younger. Before it reached 12 o' clock, he would count down the seconds. The eleventh birthday was special, because not only was it your birthday, it was the day that determined your secondary gender.

Harry grinned, and landed on the ground safely. A package was placed in his arms and he put it down to cup his mouth.

"Psst! Guys, where are you?" He whisper-shouted. Tom hissed from his cave.

"Here! We're all here!"

Harry entered the cave and Tom, Eveline and Luna were sitting in a circle, a spot between Tom and Luna. A lantern shone bright light to create long shadows on the cave wall. They were sitting around the hole that had formed in the cave. A large hole on the ceiling was showing the starry night. Harry smiled at them.

They began to count down the seconds before twelve.











Harry grinned, and immediately, there was a pair of arms around him.

"Happy Birthday, Harry," Luna whispered before she handed him a green onion. "This is a Gurdyroot. It repels Gulping Plimpies." Then she handed him a Butterbeer cork necklace. "This will keep the Nargles away." Harry didn't know what the heck they were but thanked her anyway.

Eveline smiled and handed him a few books. There were 'Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions', 'магическа теория', 'Protection Charms: A Practical Guide to Counter Legilimensy' by Franciscus Fieldwake, 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' and 'Chadwick's Charms' by Chadwick Boot.

"Happy Birthday."

Harry thanked her, grinning before he turned towards Tom, who stared at the floor. Tom looked up and then sighed. He slithered over, and said quietly,"Close your eyes."

Harry did so, and there was a quiet clinking before he felt a weight around his shoulders. He opened his eyes and stared at the necklace that adorned his neck. The octagon locket was a heavy gold, with a light gold glass-like front, and he stared at the serpentine 'S' inlaid with sparkling dark emeralds.

He looked up into Tom's ruby eyes. Tom stared back at him steadily."This locket belonged to my mother. It was stolen from her when she was on her death bed. I found it by coincidence when I was still a hatchling. It... means a lot to me. So I want to give it to you."

Harry clutched at it, and he tried not to tear up. "Tom... Thank you so much."

Tom chuckled and hugged him. "You big baby. What are you crying for? It's your birthday, you silly bird." Eveline and Luna joined the hug, and Harry started to cry.

"T-thank you so much..... This is the first time I had friends to celebrate my birthday. You guys are the best," he said sincerely. Eveline laughed.

"Tom's right."

Tom muttered under his breath. "I'm always right."

"You are a silly bird," Eveline continued, ignoring Tom's comment. "We have not become your friends because you made us, we became your friends because you're a kind, strong boy. You work hard and you have a loving heart. You care for your friends and those you care about. You are generous, humble and brave. Never degrade yourself Harry."

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