Chapter Two.

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Graduation day was here, and so was my anxiety. I had no time to look in the crowd to find my mom, or to see if Austin had shown. Naomi was only 3 people down, so every few minutes she would lean over and look my way to see if I'm still alive and breathing.

Time was going quicker than ever, "Naomi Johnson" was called over the microphone. I clapped for her, within those moments my hands became sweaty. 3, 2, 1. I counted in my head. "Rylee Justice" I made my way over, shaking their hands and smiling big for my picture. I finally did it! All the hard work, late nights, and early mornings finally paid off.

We listened through the rest of the speeches, and said our final goodbyes. This was it! "Rylee!!! We finally did it. Now time to find actual jobs." Naomi ran over to me, picking me up and putting me in her arms. My mom came over with her camera, and behind her was Austin Richard Post.

We both were in shock until Naomi literally dropped me knocking her out of her trans. "Omg. It's Post freaking Malone." she yelped. I stood up and made eye contact with Austin. "Congratulations, Buttercup!" He said while handing me flowers. He seemed excited, but what if it's all an act?

"Thanks, Butterbean. I appreciate you coming, I really do." I said softly. It was an awkward moment of silence, especially with Naomi and my mom taking pictures of us without us even looking at the camera. "Well Rylee, this is Allie.." Austin said while avoiding contact. I extended my hand to shake hers, but she denied and smiled instead. "I've heard a lot about you." I looked at the both of them in confusion, "I'm his girlfriend, that's why." Allie smiled rudely as I just grinned back at her.

My mom immediately intervened and mentioned how hungry we all must be and that our reservation for my favorite restaurant was coming up. Austin agreed that he would meet us there just so we could catch up. Truthfully, I wanted him to get back on his plane and go back home. I gave out a few more hugs, took a couple more pictures then got into the car with my mom. "Rylee, you can't be upset he has a girlfriend. You two haven't talked in so long." I thought about her words, technically I can't be mad but I am so. "Yeah, Ry. You can't be mad at Butterbean, he didn't know you were madly in love with him." Naomi teased.

Once we got on the highway I was so over the both of them teasing, scolding and talking about Austin. I rolled down my window and threw the flowers he got me out of the car. "Looks like I no longer care, so can we all stop now? Thanks." I looked at the both of them and they returned the looks as if I was crazy. I was being dramatic. Wait, no dramatic was an understatement.

15 minutes later we arrived at Downtown. This had been my favorite place to eat since I was 13. We all sat down at the small table, Austin requested to sit next to me before anyone had sat down. My mom was looking at the menu, Naomi was texting on her phone and I refused to glance at the other two. "Excuse me, I'll be back." I got up from the table and headed towards the restroom. Before opening the door, I felt a tug on my arm.

"Austin, what are you doing?" I flinched back causing him to look sad. "I'm sorry I've been MIA. Things have gotten so hard and I've been super distracted with Allie." "Do you love her? Asking for a friend." I wasted no time in asking. He looked me deeply in my eyes, "Wow, you've changed so much. I bet you have guys drooling all over you. How are you doing, Ry? Seriously. I came to catch up with you."

I was upset with him, but that didn't mean I didn't want to catch up with him either. "I've been okay, but what about you? How are you liking the celebrity life?" He began talking about how everything started off for him, the people he's met and how he's going to drop a new album soon. He asked me about my love life, but before I could ignore his question, Allie showed up. "Austin! What have you been doing? The waiter is waiting on your order." She put her hands on her hips without taking her eyes off of me.

We went back to the table and ate in silence.

"So, Austin are you flying back out tonight? Or did you need somewhere to stay?" My mom was trying to make conversation as we were exiting the restaurant. "No, Ms. Justice. We booked a hotel, we're gonna be staying for another two days." Austin said while Allie was grabbing on his arm pulling him towards his car. "Bye everyone! Bye, Buttercup it was nice seeing you and again, congratulations." He tried waving to me, but I didn't look back, got in the car and slammed the door. Same Austin my ass.

I wanted to be alone. I didn't want to go clubbing, I didn't want my mom to baby me, or Naomi giving her unconditional advice. I laid in my bed and watched makeup videos on youtube. I was dozing off when my phone chimed.

Butterbean: Secret spot?

I smiled, wow he remembered we had a secret spot.

Buttercup: Will Allie be there??
Butterbean: No girlll, meet me plz
Buttercup: Fine. Omw

Now this is what I was excited for.

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