Chapter Three.

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I sent Austin a quick text letting him know I was here and for him to open up. It took him about 2 minutes and he showed up smiling, half way opening the gate smiling super hard, "Password, Buttercup." I smiled. "Um, I don't remember.." I told him, and it's true I don't remember that well. "Just because you've gotten cute doesn't mean I can let you off the hook." Wow, he thinks I'm cute.

"Uh.. mm.. Toast Malone" I giggled and he started laughing. I took a picture of him because he looked so adorable and for those few seconds I had my best friend back.

Liked by naomibear, JamesJ, and 241 others

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Liked by naomibear, JamesJ, and 241 others. Oh how much i've missed you, best friend.
naomibear ok bitch buuut you don't wanna go out with me.
postmalone oh buttercup, missed u too.

I've missed the secret spot so much. It was basically 5 minutes away from both of our childhood homes. It was a small lake, we've known about it since middle school and always would come here when times were hard, or just alone time in general.

We walked along the path that lead us to the lake, "You have no idea how much I've missed this Austin." I confessed to him smiling so hard. "Buttercup, can I ask you something?" I shook my head willingly ready to answer anything he had to ask. "Do you think Allie really loves me? I mean, she's so hot, funny, and smart but, she doesn't make me feel... special." We both took our shoes and socks off dipping our feet into the water. I turned to face him. "Being completely honest, she seems like a major bitch, BUT when it's the right person you'll know."

We talked for hours and hours. I released a small yawn which alerted Austin that I was tired. "C'mon, let's get you home." "No, no way. I wanna keep talking to you." He refused to let me stay any longer since he would be in town for a couple more days. "You wouldn't mind if I go pee in the corner real quick?" I laughed, "No, go ahead." Austin had left his phone on the side of me. I didn't mean to look, but I did.

Allie was texting him complaining, asking and begging to know if he was with me. Now I feel like an issue, but at the same time she shouldn't of been rude to me today. I finished tying my shoe and minding my business. "Ready, Let's go." We walked back down the path and he walked me to my car. Austin made me promise to text him when I made it home, and surely I did that.

Buttercup: I'm finally home. Thanks for tonight, Aust.

Butterbean: Not to be weird or anything, but you've gotten extremely adorable. Like, since when has Buttercup ever been cute?

okay, rylee's heartbeat. let's simmer down.

Buttercup: I be up, in the gym, just working on my fitness boo.

i just called him boo over text, and sent it without thinking twice. okay confidence.

Butterbean: Goodnight Rylee lol

Wow, super dry text message. My confidence was lowered back down. Actually, no. I'm not going to be in love with my best friend for forever. He has a girlfriend, hasn't been, and isn't going to think of me in any other way. It's time I find me someone.

Ry: Hey, Omi. I'm going out with you tomorrow night. I need to find me a guy, a sexy one.

I put my phone on 'do not disturb,' took a shower and went straight to sleep not thinking about Austin and how much I've been a fool for him.

The next day I woke up with a reply from Naomi saying that it had been the best news she's gotten in a long time. It's true, I needed to find a way over Austin and finding someone that was going to actually care and love me then so be it.

I told her to meet me at the Gardenbay mall so that I can find me something to make me look "hot" tonight. Way hotter than Allie.

"You know what you should do? Invite Austin and Allie to come tonight, show out and make the both of them jealous." Naomi suggested. It wasn't like me to do such a thing, I usually stuck back and minded my business, but Austin brings something out of me that makes me become a different Rylee. I'm not quite sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, we'll find out later.

Momentarily, I found me a red lace dress that exposed a lot and you could most definitely see my curves. "Damn, mama. You are trying to get someone to pay your bills, or what?" I laughed, "Um, very much so yes. It's hard paying for everything on your own and still have a cute expensive life." While I waited for Naomi to try on her dress, I sent Austin a text.

Buttercup: Lime Vixen club tonight. Be there or be there.

Butterbean: I'll see, Allie isn't much of a clubber.

Buttercup: Of course, have fun watching The Office for the 17263828th time.

Butterbean: Dwight, you ignorant slut. I'll see you there.

"Um, earth to Rylee Justice. Hello??? Does this make me look fat?" Naomi began shouting at me. "No, it's just that gold isn't your color. Buy it in black." She shook her head in agreement. I told her about my invite to Austin, and how I really have to find a guy. Not just to show out to him, but to make me feel good and better about myself. Plus it's time for me to find Mr. Right now that I'm graduated.

"Okay, now back to my place to get ready?" Naomi suggested already knowing the answer. "I do the makeup, and you do the hair?" I questioned her. This was just like old times, except now i'm going to be clubbing with my old best friend for the first time now that he's a huge superstar and all.

Hours later we were ready.

Let's just say I was hotter than hot.

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