Chapter Fiften

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Austin's Pov

I made the decision to leave her. I couldn't dare bring her into this world of lies and fame, especially if she was carrying my child. I was giving her false hope and promises knowing that if work calls, i'm going to choose work. But, i'm choosing it so I can support her.

She's left me texts and calls, but I haven't responded to her. It's just going to make things harder. I sent over my DNA because we both needed to know if the child was mine in the first place.

"Bro, you fucking rocked the award show man." my friend, Fisher came up to me giving me a hug. I was drenched in sweat, but he obviously didn't care. "Thanks, man." he handed me a beer, but for the first time I wasn't in the mood for one. I wasn't in the mood for any partying. I just wanted to be in bed next to Rylee watching some ridiculous movie she picked out in a language she doesn't even speak. I smiled at the fact that I knew how she was.

I sat the beer on the table, and left. I knew my manager was going to be upset that I made the rational decision to leave in the middle of the show, but I felt sick to my stomach.

I made it home and finished watching the award show from my living room.

Buzz. Buzz.

Buttercup: I'm giving you one more chance to make things right with me, Austin.

- 2 missed calls from Buttercup -

Buttercup: You've made your choice. I hope your happy.

It took everything out of me to not answer, but I felt like it was the right thing to do. I didn't know what to do. I was already feeling so stupid, nothing I do could make it worse, right? This time she wasn't going to forgive me. The rest of the night was me getting fucked up, playing my guitar and waking up poolside. Fuck it.


"This is what you're doing now?" I heard a familiar voice say, but before I could open my eyes I felt my temples thrash with pain. I felt the sun beam on my body. "Hello, I know you fucking hear me Austin." I put my arm in front of the sun trying to block my face, but it was already covered. "Open your fucking eyes." Now, I know that voice from anywhere. It was Ry. I was procrastinating on opening them, but fuck it. "What're you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, ya know. Just trying to see why all of a sudden you completely stop talking to me after you confess your feelings, so I'm thinking okay maybe he gave up on us. And you did, right?" Rylee was yelling at this point. I saw movement to my right, it was a naked girl. She quickly stood up and was about to walk away when Rylee stopped her.

"Don't leave, I'm on my way out. Just one more thing to say to him," then she turned her focus back on me, "Don't you ever try to get in contact with me because you're going to fail. Enjoy the rest of your day, Aus." And just like that she walked out. I felt too embarrassed to chase after her because I was completely naked. I forced the girl to leave, she refused at first, but I made her leave. I didn't want anything to do with her since last night was such a blur.

I walked upstairs to my room and seen a gift on my bed. I unwrapped the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside had baby clothes that said, "Best dad in the world." I lost all control and begin to breakdown. I opened the envelope. It contained two papers, the DNA paper saying that I was the father and the other was a note:

Dear Austin, you fucking suck. I don't know why I believed everything and anything you ever said. Obviously the industry changed you, and I was stupid enough to believe the bullshit you were giving me. This kid is mine. I do not want you going back and forth throughout this child's life, so it's better off this way. I bought these clothes the day I found out you were the father, now it's pointless to have you in the picture. Sell the clothes, or keep them as a reminder that you fucked up.

I cried my eyes out even more. I couldn't even breath at this point. I don't know why I did what I did, and I knew I couldn't take it back. I guess I took advantage of her kindness. I don't think my life would ever be the same.


Today marked the day Rylee made 4 months. I wanted to reach out to her, but I knew it was useless. I was blocked on everything just like she said she would be. "So for the chorus, I was thinking something repetitive?" Justin mentioned. I was staring out of space thinking about her, and my child.

"Sorry, man. I'm just not feeling it today." I confessed out loud. "You haven't been feeling it at all for weeks now. I need this song out by tomorrow." Justin was obviously upset at me, but he knows what i'm dealing with. "It's just Ry, dude. I fucked up, but she completely blocked me out of her life, and already blocked me out of my kid's life too." I put my head in the palm of my hands.

Justin looked down then back up at me. "Maybe we can try to contact her mom, or something?" he asked. "I've tried that. Her mom just says Ry will come around, but I heard it in her tone she meant what she said." I felt the tears rise in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

"Maybe we should hire someone to keep an eye on her, you know? I know it's fucked up, but at this point maybe that's how you should play." Justin had a good point, but I couldn't dare think of another guy being friends with her. "You think that would work bro?" I had to make sure it wasn't another stupid idea. "Yes. Just trust me," Justin assured me. "I know the perfect person."

Justin made a few calls while I came up with a few verses and part of the chorus. "So this is how it's going to work: He's going to send you pictures and videos, but once the baby is born he's not going to send you anything and he's going to slow his friendship down with Rylee until there's no more okay?" I shook my head yes.

I wondered who the guy was, but better yet I wondered if Rylee had changed any. I bet she's happier than ever, or she's not Rylee at all. I missed her touch, taste and even smell. Literally she's going to be pissed when she finds out, but fuck it I deserve to be a part of this pregnancy just like her.

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