Chapter Thirty Six.

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Rylee's Pov

warning: it gets a little sexual

I was always used to Austin planning nice stuff, but this was way beyond anything he's ever done. "You think your dad will be okay with Lei?" I invaded his thoughts.

"Duh, he did perfectly fine with me. Am I right?" he giggled.

"Austin, I love you so much. Thank you for this because we really needed a small break." He smiled and looked away.

The night was going so smooth it was impossible to believe that this was now my life, or I should say our life?

"So, that manager you've been looking into? How's he/she?" I questioned while enjoying my chicken strips WITH a side of salad. He had a confused look on his face.

"What manager? Ooh, that manager. Yeah, he's cool." he was quiet, a little too quiet.

I grabbed his hands they were clammy, ugh he was nervous about something. "What's wrong?" I let go and placed all my focus on him. "Nothing, babe."

"Austin Richard Post." I was about to lecture him when he stood out of his seat. He leaned down towards me, and kneeled on one knee.

My heart instantly stopped.

"Rylee, look I know you're already my wife, but I need you to be my wife WIFE. I love you, and truthfully, I always have. You mean the world to me, and I was so fucking stupid to put you through everything that I've ever done to you."

I watched him as he begin to cry. I had started to cry once I realized what was actually going on, and what was about to happen.

"Everything I do from here on out is for our little family that we have, Ry. I wouldn't want it any differently than this. Me, you and Leilani. Now, would you do me the pleasure of being my wife once more, but the right way?" he laughed, as I did too.

"Y-YES!" I yelled as he put the ring on me. I jumped up holding on to him. "I love you so much." I said in between sobs. He kissed me very loving, "I love you so much, but so much more."

"Congratulations!" I heard from behind us with baby giggles. I turned and seen his dad holding Lei. I smiled even harder, "Hi, mommy's baby." I wiped my tears away before reaching to grab her.

I smiled as I touched her soft little baby skin. Austin bent down and kissed her cheek. He slowly grabbed her away from me, "Here you go, dad. Please be careful." he placed the baby back into his dad's arms.

"Austin? What're you doing?" I was so confused.

"We're spending the night just us, no baby." Austin told me hugging his dad then walked back over to me. I waved at his dad, but I really didn't want my baby to leave. ugh.

We sat back down, and continued to eat. "Well, I feel a lot better now that it's done and off of my mind." Austin took a deep breath with a big, bright smile plastered on his face.

"How long have you been thinking about this?" I asked. "Since I realized that I was in love with you." he replied.

"You're amazing." I told him while sipping my lemonade that was supposed to be a water oops. "No, but I have something in mind that'll make you feel amazing." he smirked.

I didn't even realize we haven't even did anything intimate with acknowledgement, or on purpose by remembering. Now I'm actually getting nervous.

It's like yeah, it happened we had a whole kid together, but at the same time it didn't happen I don't know how it feels. I've always thought about this moment, and now that it's here I'm fucking scared.

"Whoa, you were hungry." he quickly changed the subject bringing me back to reality. "Yes, I was very very hungry."

"Any dessert?" he handed me a dessert menu, but I instantly got distracted by the ring he placed on my finger. "Austin, this ring is absolutely beautiful." I said admiring it by moving my hand towards the ocean and seeing it in the light for myself.

"That's on the menu? Sounds delicious." he joked. "I'm serious. This is so beautiful." I replied. "I'm glad you like it. You deserve it, and it was way overdue." I believed him, and this only made my heart flutter more.

"Let me be your dessert. Let's go."

He picked me up and carried me all the way to our room. The butterflies were fluttering in my tummy like crazy.

Austin threw me on the bed climbing on top of me kissing me so passionately. I started taking his clothes off one piece at a time.

His kisses got lower and lower. From my neck, to my stomach. He raised up a little taking off my clothes including my bra, and underwear.

"Don't be nervous babe, it's not our first time." he whispered sending chills down my spine.

By this time I was wet as fuck, and it was obvious he wanted me right now. I pulled him in closer to kiss me on the lips. He quickly pulled his pants off.

"Quit playing, I want you now, Austin." I moaned in his ears. His eyes were dark blue from the lust that was happening between us.

He slowly inserted himself inside of me quickly making me moan and clutch my legs around his waist.

"HOLY FU-" "Shh. Let me love on you for a little bit, Ry." he interrupted my scream. I didn't imagine for this to be the moment, but it was damn worth the wait. He went slower to faster changing his pace.

"You feel so amazing. I can't believe I waited so long to do this." he admitted. I was speechless at this point and smiling like crazy.

We both climaxed at the same time, and it felt so wonderful. He rolled over, pulled me close and held me tight. "You're my soulmate, dude. Like that shit is wild." he laughed kissing me on my forehead.

"Like, dude! Am I really?" I joked.

He pulled me into a tight bear hug. "I can't b-breath." I lied that way he'll let me go. I took a couple deep breaths making it seem like I needed air.

"You're so goofy." he said. "I know, I know. I'm gonna go start the shower." I said getting up. He followed me in there only causing round 2 to happen.

We finally was able to take a shower, and fall asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.


"Good morning my love, get ready for breakfast." I opened my eyes to the bright light in our room. I seen Austin holding Leilani wiping her mouth from the slobber.

I smiled making my way over to them giving him a kiss, and grabbing Lei away from him. He took her back, "She'll be here once you get ready. Now go." he gave me a smile.

I rolled my eyes, and decided to get dressed. I did a simple makeup look and we left for breakfast.

We went to the restaurant that they had downstairs. It was all so nice, and fancy I really hope the baby doesn't whine a lot.

We didn't have to wait long for a waitress, she seemed young and she was very pretty.

"Hi, I'm Amanda your server for today. Omg your Post Malone. So fucking hot dude I ju-" "This is my wife, Rylee." he stopped her I assume trying to protect my feelings.

"Oh yeah, Aaron wants me to tell you hello." she gave me a fake smile. I really hope she was joking and read about Aaron on fucking TMZ or something.

"Excuse me?" I questioned. "I was just playing, calm down." she replied.

Ugh. Here we go.

a/n: i've been so lonely & sad lately lol but happy new years you guys

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