Chapter Thirty Eight.

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I called Austin the last time before we were about to board the plane. I left several messages including me calling like a wild woman. My mom is in the hospital, and she's not doing good at all.

Things with him aren't the best, but I still would want him by my side also to help with the baby.

My mind was occupied the entire time we were in the air that I didn't even notice the person next to me had be speaking to me. "I'm so sorry, what did you say?" I managed to speak.

"I was just admiring how adorable, and quiet your baby is." she gave me a warm smile. "Thank you. This is like her first time sleeping this long in forever. I needed it." I confessed.

I needed a break from all of this, but I can't turn back now.

"I'm Shyanne." she brought her hand out for me to shake. I reached out as well, "Rylee." "Well, nice to meet you."

I heard Lei make a little noise, "Aw, she's waking up." I said with a little bit of excitement. I missed her smiling face and cute giggles.

"Blue eyes? How gorgeous." Shyanne analyzed her. "Yeah, she gets it from her dad. Obviously." I laughed pointing at my dull brown eyes. "Is he um here on the plane?" she asked looking around for a guy with blue eyes.

"Uh, no." the silence filled thick through the air.

I tried my hardest to not make it awkward, but it was already too late. The pilot warned us that we were preparing to land. I strapped back up and looked down at Lei.

I placed my hand over her head rubbing her hair down. "I hope grandma is okay." I whispered low enough for only her to hear before kissing her forehead.

It wasn't long before I was in a Uber rushing to the hospital to see my mom. I hadn't even had a chance to look at my phone, and right now I really don't care to.

I unloaded our bags, quickly made it inside and asked for help. "Do you need help ma'am?" A nurse walked up to me. I looked up at the tall man in a nurse uniform.

I seen that he had a lot of tattoos, but he wasn't covered in them like Austin. "Actually, please." at first I was scared to accept, but I needed it.

We continued to follow the other nurse who was taking me to my mom's room. He knocked before going in. "She's not here? Where is she?" my anxiety was rising.

"It's okay. It says here that she just went into surgery." he flipped through a chart of papers that was next to the empty bed. I took the car seat that the tattooed nurse was holding.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm really nervous and stressed out." I gave a fake smile that probably wasn't hard to detect.

"What's her name?" he asked taking me out of my daze state of mind. "Huh?" I replied. "Her name? Your baby." he pointed at her.

"This cutie here is Leilani." I picked her up as her hand wrapped around my finger. "You're right she is a cutie. Um, you look exhausted and hungry.. need something to eat?" he asked me.

I was very much so both, but I was so traumatized around people now.

"Look, I understand you don't remember me. I'll bring you something okay? My shift ends in 5." He gave a friendly smile which brought back a few memories.

"Tate?" I questioned slowly making sure it was him. He shook his head fast and smiled super hard. "Dude! What the fuck!" I quickly placed Lei back into her car seat, and ran to give him a hug.

"You look so different. Wow!" I let go giving him a chance to breathe. "I just let my hair grow, added a few tattoos. Nothing major." Tate giggled.

"A few?" I marked him.

"Excuse me, Tate we need you to go to room five. They're asking for you specifically." another nurse came and interrupted. "Yeah, okay." he told her letting her know he'll be right there.

He pointed at me while backing away, "I'll be back with food. No stressing!" and with that he left.

His smile still made me melt.

I found my phone somewhere that was in one of the bags. "Looky here, Lei. Daddy finally decided to reply." I rocked her seat while reading everything he sent me. I didn't know how to respond to anything he sent me.

I really wish things between us wasn't so difficult at times. Things definitely wasn't like this back when it was just a friendship.

Austin begin calling me as I held my phone in my hand. "Hello?" I answered with a little rasp in my voice. I heard mumbling going on, and had several different voices in the background.

I heard him calling my name, but he wasn't responding.

"Back, and I have food." Tate came in holding a bag.

"Who's that?" Austin kept asking repeatedly. I hung up. He cares about that more than me, and I'm over it. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were on the phone." Tate apologized.

"It doesn't matter," I said dramatically. "I just need to eat.

butterbean: who was that Rylee? why are you doing this to me huh? dude i will give up anything for you


I didn't respond, nor answer any of his calls. Tate was doing a good job distracting me, but it didn't quite help that my mind was racing.

"Excuse me, are you the daughter?" A man with a different color scrub came in the room holding a clipboard. "Yes, I am. Is everything okay?" I asked standing up.

"I'm sorry, but we were not able to bring her back." he held his head down low. "No, no, no!" Tate yelled at him.

My heart felt a different type of pain.

I felt warm tears roll down my face without even realizing that I was crying.

I sat down because my knees were too weak to stand.

My mom was gone forever.

a/n: sad chapter, but it's slowly all coming to an end. 2 chapters left, but i def wanna write another one i had so much fun

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