Chapter Twenty Two.

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Austin's Pov

45 minutes later I was able to find Rylee, and thankfully she was okay. Right now she was taking a nap, and I was arguing with Officer Kemp.

"Austin?" I heard Ry mumbled. I ran by her side with Kemp following. "Are y-" "Are you okay?" I was cut off.

She shook her head yes, "Can you give us some time? I'll be fine." she requested. Officer Kemp walked out while keeping eye contact with me.

"You okay? I'm so sorry, Rylee. I didn't mean any of those things." I tried my best to apologize. The only thing I was concerned about was her and the baby.

"I know, but the doctor told me that we're okay. I just have too much stress right now that's all." she said while looking down at our hands.

"I'm truthfully sorry, I don't want to lose you again." I admitted. "You're not. I understand you were mad. I would be too. I've done something far worse to you, so." she spoke a little more confident.

She raised up, "Can you tell the doctor I'm ready to go?" "Yeah of course, we need to go so we can get some sleep before the concert."


I decided to leave Rylee's favorite song till last. I had my bodyguard bring her out on stage while I sang to her. The crowd loved it as much as she did.

"Are you going out tonight?" she asked me as we sat in my dressing room cooling down. "No, we're gonna go to the room and chill." I told her.

She shrugged and continued to scroll on her phone smiling. "You ready to go?" I asked her feeling a little confused. "Whenever you are."

I grabbed her hand and lead her out to the car. "What're we going to do about our living situation?" she asked quietly. "Don't worry about it."

Little did she know I had already looked at a house perfect for us, and that's exactly where we're going.

I pulled up to the gated community. I looked over at Rylee to see her reaction, but she didn't seem to concerned.

"We're going visit one of your friends or something?" "Uh yeah."

We pulled up to the house, and it was a lot bigger than the pictures my manager showed me. "Why are the lights off?" she asked. I smiled if she only knew.

I held her hand until we got to the front door and I unlocked the door. She gasped, "Austin did you really?"

I laughed and cut the light on. "Surprise!" It was her mom and my dad standing up in the walkway.

It. scared. the. living. shit. out. of. me.

"How?" I turned around to see a smirking Rylee. "I have my connections." she giggled and walked past me.

"Literally, you won't let me ever be great." I complained while hugging her mom, and my dad. "I did it because you're going on tour the month Leilani is going to be here."

"What? I didn't know about that? Wait, did you say her name?" My heart begin racing. "Yes, I want to name her, Leilani. I think it's cute, but we can change it." she threw her hands up.

"No, no I like it. Are you giving her my last name?" I asked trying not to make it awkward, but all eyes were on her now.

"Yes Austin you think I would do that to you?" Rylee said. I didn't mean it in that way, but she knows that. "Anyways, basically I just wanted us to all be together before I turn 7 months, not that it's important, but i'm really going to miss you guys." Rylee eyes begin to tear up.

Then I realized she does turn 7 months in two days. That was really soon. I felt bad that I had to leave the month my child was going to be born.

I assumed that she was going to fully move in with me here. "Rylee, sweetheart we'll always be a call away." her mom told her as she wrapped her arms around her.

"And you can always call me, too." my dad chimed in.

The only person who didn't say anything was me, and it was only because I didn't know what to say.

There's no way I could comfort her when I feel how upset she is. I wish I could do more for her and the things she's sacrificed.

"Can we speak in private, Ry?" I scratched the back of my head feeling like shit. She didn't say anything except just follow me with her sniffles.

I took her upstairs to our bedroom balcony. The weather was nice this time of night. She looked across at the city.

"Rylee, I've never had the chance to say thank you. Thank you for carrying my child, being my best friend, pain in the ass, girlfriend. I really wish I could show you how much I care about you." I spoke softly trying to show my affectionate side.

"Austin, don't apologize. Let's not say 'sacrifices' how about saying I just improvised my life." she grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Oh, I love Leilani Post by the way." I mentioned while pulling her into a hug. She placed her head on my chest. "I love you." she said quietly.

"No, I love you Ry."

a/n: super fckn short but TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY SO

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