Chapter Four.

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Austin's POV

Allie and I had made it to the club before Rylee and her friend did, so we waited at the bar. "Rylee seems like a very, bland person. I'm surprised she invited us here." Allie said while sipping her vodka martini.

"I'm full of surprises." I heard a familiar voice say behind us. "Buttercup," I start off, and not able to finish. My eyes scan her entire body from head to toe. Her dress was extremely revealing, and red was the perfect color for her tan skin tone. I was at a lost for words, so I decided to not even say anything else.

"Hello to you too, Austin." Rylee gave me a slight glance then went straight to the bartender, "I'll take anything that will make me, um, less tense." She requested. Her friend, Natalie, Nadia whatever her name is was on the side of her ordering a shot. I knew Allie saw me checking her out, so I grabbed her by the waist and went towards the dance floor.

"Do you have feelings for her Austin, be honest." Allie blurted out. I knew it was coming, and I knew I wasn't going to be honest. "Baby, look at me. Rylee is just my best friend, okay?" I reassured her, but I was far from reassuring myself. I couldn't stop thinking about Rylee. I had never been attracted to her in any kind of way, but when I saw her at her graduation everything changed.

"Omg, Austin. This used to be our songgg." I heard an already buzzed Rylee say while her arms were wrapped around another man's neck. I had a striking felt of jealousy, that should be me. "what do you meaaan? oooh. when you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no" Rylee sang to him, as he sang back.

Song after song after song.

I couldn't take it anymore between Allie's bitching, Rylee's flirting, and Naomi's death stares tonight was horrible. I made Allie go wait in the taxi while I tell Rylee goodbye, truth was I just wanted to speak to her alone. "Hey, can I talk to you real quick?" I bent down and whispered in her ear. She giggled while shaking her head yes, I assumed that it still tickled her. "Hey, Logan? Hold on a sec" She told the guy she met while letting go of his hand. He smiled at her like she was earth and the sunshine. I turned my back towards him and led her back to the bar.

"What's up?" Rylee sat down on the barstool trying to avoid contact while not falling over. I put my hand on her chin and forced her to look at me, "You know he's not good for you right?" I let the words slip out of my mouth without thinking. Her big brown eyes looked at me, a little watery from being so wasted. I still saw her as beautiful as can be even though my news to her was not delightful.

"I'm leaving, just wanted to tell you bye." I did something I've never done before and kissed her on her cheek. She stood there with her mouth opened, "A-Austin?" She stuttered because she was speaking so fast. Just then a group of girls came over begging for a picture, I had to rush to get back outside before Allie thought something was up.

Of course, once I made it to the taxi I had to tell her that I was taking pictures with fans, which I wasn't lying, it just wasn't the entire truth. The ride was quiet, she was on her phone and I was dreaming about a life with Ry. She would be so much more grateful if she was in Allie's position. "Hey, Austin? I'm so sorry that I've been so uptight lately. Maybe you'll let me apologize when we make it upstairs to the room?" Allie began unzipping her dress and kissing my neck.

We practically ran upstairs. I needed her.

I couldn't resist. It had been forever since I had been in bed with Allie, this could also help me clear up my feelings for Ry. She was kissing my neck, and I was getting more and more turned on. I could not wait any longer.

We both took a nap after, but mine only lasted maybe an hour. I reached over on the dresser for my phone to check social media, Rylee's instagram in particular.

liked by naomibear, logan

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liked by naomibear, logan.kane7, and 127 others drinks n kisses. thnx logan.kane7
logan.kane7 i'll do anything for a date with you.
naomibear y'all are getting cute already? nooo logan.kane7 just text me when


I stalked his page for a little bit  wondering what she saw in him. He was small and scrawny, his hair was cut short, but you could still see it was curly. I felt angry, I didn't want this happening. I didn't want someone to take my best friend away from me, but that's probably how she feels toward Allie.

I turned and looked at her. She had bleached blonde hair, blue eyes and was a total barbie babe. That's always been my type, but Rylee? She's always had tan skin, brown eyes and brown curly hair. I locked my phone and threw it towards the end of the bed, stop. thinking. about. her.

This only made me thinking about wanting her more. I wanted more than just sex, I wanted to kiss every inch of her body, feed her when she's sick, play uno with her when she's bored, massage her feet just because. I wanted to be her husband one day, not just her best friend.

Buttercup: I'm not going to forget that tonight ok i love u betterbean

I looked at the message she just sent me, smiling at the fact she called me 'Betterbean' rather than 'Butterbean'

Butterbean: I was hoping you won't. Love you too

Buttercup: No no no, love you and I love you are different. waaaaaay different. you don't love me the way i love you ok screw u

I took a second to see if I was reading that correctly, yup! I am. But, she's drunk, she's not going to remember or mean it tomorrow morning. I'd rather not reply. I put my phone down and brought Allie closer in my arms, "I love you, Al."

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