Chapter Twenty Four.

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Austin's Pov

I knew I was distancing myself from Rylee. I begin panicking because this was actually happening.

Hanging out with Allie wasn't anything more than just needing a friend other than Rylee who knew me.

I glanced over at her laughing with the others.

"Hey, Allie lets go talk outside and smoke a cig." I offered. The room was crowded and I didn't want anyone knowing our business.

She walked with me outside with the biggest smile ever. "Did you tell Ry we had sex?" I lit my cigarette up continuing to look her directly in the eyes.

"No? Did she say that?" Allie's voice became high pitched. I knew she was lying, and plus why would Ry make such a thing up?

"That's it. I don't want to see you anymore. Leave my girlfriend alone, and stop trying to be petty." I told her.

"But, Austin it wasn-" "Like I said, Stay the fuck away from us." I stormed back inside leaving her out there.

I tried calling Rylee before going back into the studio with everyone, but her phone was going straight to voicemail.

Fuck this i'm going check on her.

I ran into the house because her car was still outside.

"Rylee?" I called out. It sounded pretty empty. I first checked Leilani's room, but she wasn't in there, neither was she in our bedroom.

Now i'm really worried.

Maybe she went out shopping and her phone died? No.. she always keeps her phone charged.

I felt the need to call the cops, but I don't know how long she's actually been missing, so I know they technically can't do anything.

I paced back and forth from the kitchen to the dinning area.

I heard voices come from the front door. I made my way over quickly. I opened the door and seen Rylee, along with a little girl and a guy.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay." I brought her into my arms. I laid my head on top of hers. I smelled her coconut conditioner in her hair, it made me smile.

"Who's this guy?" the little girl mumbled.

"This is Leilani's dad." I seen Ry smile genuinely.

"Austin, this is the amazing, beautiful and full time princess, Harley. This is her cute, adorable pup, Oreo. And her dad, Elijah." Ry said happily, but as soon as she looked at me she seemed annoyed.

"Where were you at?" I asked her ignoring everything she said. "I was at the beach." she said turning her back to me.

She bent down and hugged the little girl, then petted her dog. "It was nice meeting you, Harley." Ry said. The girl quickly hugged her.

"I don't want to go." she begin to whine. "We have to. It was nice meeting you Rylee, just let me know if you need any help." he shook her hand politely.

I felt my blood boil.

"It was nice to meet you as well." he waved goodbye, grabbed the girl's hand walked off.

"Who was that? Why didn't you let me know where you were? Are you okay?" I felt bad for throwing all these questions, but it wasn't okay.

"I'm fine." She calmly walked past me, and went upstairs.

"Yeah, but I was worried." I responded back knowing this would turn to an argument, but I didn't care.

"You haven't been worried lately, so why does it matter now."

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