Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Austin's Pov


"Austin, bro she's so hot. Hook me up with her." Bobby slapped my shoulder. I felt a little angry, why would I hook my best friend up with the biggest player?

I knew she wanted a boyfriend, and it just so happens that she had a huge crush on Bobby, but they aren't meant for each other.

"I can't, sorry." I spoke quietly and paced faster so I could lose him in the crowd of my classmates.

"Austin, over here!" Rylee called out waving to her and Sandra's direction. Bobby caught up to me and looked her way. I watched as he approached her.

"Hey, you're Rylee Justice right?" He deepened his voice to sound more attractive. Rylee's face reddened a bit as a smile grew wide on her face.

"Yes, this is she. Hi." her voice was squeaky, and it was adorable. "I was wanting to know if I could take you out some time?" Bobby asked her scratching the back of his head.

"No, she doesn't date older boys. I tried to tell you." I intervened, or at least tried to.

"No, Austin. You know I prefer older guys, I'd love to go out. This weekend?" she asked him still red and still smiling.

I was pissed.

How could she accept going on a date with the biggest fucking jerk?

For the rest of the day I ignored her. I tried to avoid walking her home, but she walked up to me before I left.

"Why? What did he ever do to you, or better yet me?" she blurted. I rolled my eyes, "He's a dick, why would you want to be with him?"

Rylee stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Are you serious?" she yelled at me.

"Yes, he's a dick. Fuck Bobby!" I yelled back at her. She walked across the street to the other sidewalk and put her headphones in.

Before she walked into her house she turned around and faced me, "That's why your girlfriend is a fucking ugly bitch." she yelled from across the street.

I stormed off.

I didn't talk to Ry for three days, I had to apologize.


"Babe? Did you hear me?" Rylee looked back at me.

"Oh, sorry. I was having a flashback about something. What did you say?" I shook my head trying to bring myself back to focusing.

"Flashback? Of what?" She questioned.

I hesitated to tell her, but she was mine now so it didn't matter.

"Bobby Davila is in here." I grabbed some tortillas that she couldn't reach from the shelf.

"Babe, that was the past." Ry already knew where I was going with this conversation. "But still. I can't believe you dated him."

I begin to think about how he was the guy who she gave her virginity to, then on top of that he broke her heart.

"Off to what I was saying, I will be making tacos tonight at my moms, so don't forget to tell your dad." Rylee bent over to grab something and Bobby spotted us.

"Rylee let's g-" "Rylee Justice, is that you?" Bobby's voice hadn't changed a bit.

"Hi, Bobby." Rylee was pretty dry with him it made me happy. "And you sir, Austin. How are you? I see you two are still best friends." His words were already irritating my soul.

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