Chapter Six.

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Time went by so fast throughout this entire situation. It was late night / early morning by the time we made it to California and made it to the hospital where Austin was at. Logan agreed to take our clothes to the hotel, eat breakfast and give us a little time.

I stood at the reception desk waiting for a nurse to give me some type of information. "Hello, how may I help you?" the nurse sat down in her chair not taking her eyes off of the computer screen. "Yes, I'm here to see Austin Post. He was in a bad wreck" She paused for a moment while she typed, "And you are? Wife? Sister?" I felt happiness rush through my veins when she said wife, but disgust when she said sister. "Just a friend." I didn't find it necessary for her to know my relation to him, but it was whatever. "Room 524."

"Okay, here we go. Room 524." I whispered to myself. You can do this.

I knocked on the door then opened. "Aus?" I softly spoke not sure if anyone was here or not. The lights were dimmed down, the tv was on, but the sound was off. I looked over at Austin. He has a cast on his leg, a sling on his arm and cuts on his face. Considering this was a bad wreck it could be a lot worse. I'm just glad he's alive. Just then a nurse knocked and came in, "Hi! Mr. Post, it's time for your medicine." Austin eyes fluttered opened while he yawned. The older nurse looked at me and smiled, "You must be the girlfriend. How are you?" I smiled and waved my hand 'no'. "No, I'm not the girlfriend. I'm the best friend. I'm not quite sure where the girlfriend is, but I'm here." I looked down at Austin who was now fully awake. The nurse handed him his pills and gave him his water bottle one by one. "Well I'm sure he's grateful to have such a beautiful friend by his side." I just smiled because maybe then Austin would see he should be thankful for me. We both stayed silent until the nurse left.

"What happened?" I asked him automatically when I heard the door shut. "I was dropping Allie off at her house, and on my way home a car ran their stop l-li-light. ouch." He was trying to lift himself up. "Stop, here let me help you." I helped raise him up and situated. "The bruises on my stomach are so painful." I walked over to him removing the blanket and lifting his shirt up. He had bruises and cuts so badly. My hand covered one on his lower stomach, he moved my hand and covered himself back up. I watched him scroll on his phone for a little bit while I was being ignored by him. "I see you were having fun with your little friend right after I left." Austin said with anger.

"Yeah, he actually took time out of his day to not be mean to me, and brought me all the way to a different state because my so called best friend was in a wreck and I was worried." By this time, I was heated and my leg was shaking furiously. "And also, I'm going to date whoever I want, and no one is going to take you away and you're making it really hard to stay around. No one else is here for you. You know how I found out? Naomi. She found out through Allie's instagram story! Speaking of, where is Allie? Because she's not here. I am. Stop treating me like crap for no reason Austin. You hear that? I called you Austin, not Post Malone." He watched me and took in every last word I said. I stormed out and called Logan.

A few minutes of talking to Logan I was calm. I called an Uber right after because I was sleep deprived and I was beginning to get mad for no reason. I walked back into Austin's room, "Have you called your dad yet?" I asked him knowing that he probably didn't that's why I sent him a quick text before I left Texas. "Yeah, but he told me you already let him know." Hmm, surprising. "Well I spoke to the doctor while you were out and I'll be leaving after all my test come back, but I don't know when that'll be so maybe like late tomorrow evening or something." His voice seemed more toned down. "And what about Allie?" I asked only to make sure he wouldn't be here by himself the entire time, the least she could do is be here for him. "Uh, she's on her way." "Great, well okay," The silence was more than I could handle. "So you love me?" He dropped his remote on his leg and his eyes got wider. I knew my question was going to take him by surprise, but it couldn't get any worse since he couldn't walk away from it.

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