Chapter Seven.

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"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Logan offered for the millionth time to help me put my suitcase inside, but I was perfectly fine doing it myself. "No, Lo. Thanks again so much for taking me to go see Austin. I really appreciate it." He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead. "Well, call me if you need or want anything." I shook my head, unlocked the door, rushed inside and called my mom.

Work was slow today, especially with me being a receptionist for a psychology clinic and it being a Monday. I invited Naomi over for 3 reasons: 1 for her to fix me cookies, 2 because I miss her, and 3 tell her about what happened between Logan and Austin. She should be over any minute now, but in the meantime I was scrolling on instagram, I had nothing else to do.

Everything was fine until I saw his Allie.

Liked by justinbieber, allie

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Liked by justinbieber, allie.g, and 272,166 others.
postmalone i miss times like this with my Allie.
allie.g you'll be better in no time
user001 how cute
1 hour ago

I guess he's doing good and didn't need my help after all.

"Rylee, I'm here! You left the door unlocked." I heard Naomi shout from the front door. "In here." I screamed from the kitchen, trying my hardest not to overthink about it, but it's so hard.

"So?" "So what? I missed you, Omi." I tried giving her a hug, but she blocked it with her hand. "What happened while you were away?" I wonder if it was really that obvious that something happened while I was away, maybe it was written on my forehead in big, bold sharpie. "I had sex with Logan... twice." Naomi cheeks became bigger and redder, "I cannot believe you. How was it? Was he ya know, average or beyond average? or neither?" I laughed at her seriousness "keyword in that sentence was twice." Soon our laughter faded and it was time to tell her about Austin.

"AustinkissedmeandIkissedback." She smacked my hand away when I reached for some cookie dough. "You what?" Was she really going to make me repeat myself slowly? Ugh. "Austin kissed me and I kissed him back and truthfully, it was the best thing ever. I never felt anything like it before." Naomi just looked at me, shocked. Probably at the fact that I didn't tell her sooner. "So, who's it going to be? They clearly both like you." I wasn't going to choose, especially when there was no one to chose from. "Logan, of course. Austin has Allie and would never like me like that."

She placed the cookies in the oven while she was smiling, "No, I think you should give it a try. Text them both and see how they feel." What if it was too soon? What if I don't get the answer I'm expecting? There I go again with the what if's. "Okay, I guess. What do I say?" Naomi gave me some tips and I made the decision of if I was going to actually go through with it or not.

Rylee: Hey, Logan. You busy?

Logan: No, what's up? you need something?

"Wow, so far with my observation he's there whenever. That's a good thing. Keep going" Naomi stated.

Rylee: I'm having mixed feelings. I know I like you, but I'm just not 100% your intentions with me are. Btw, this has nothing to do with the sex.

Logan: Trust me, I like you a lot. I wouldn't of bought you plane tickets to see a best friend who obviously likes you more than a friend.

"Whoa.. WHOA!" Naomi started getting hyped, and I was in utter shock. Did he really just say that? Why? How? "Stop, just go straight to Austin now."

Buttercup: Hey Butterbean, you busy?

Butterbean: Never for you, what's up?

"Okay, well this is definitely not like a instant do you need something, but he's still there for you. If that makes sense. I'm sorry but Logan's comeback really has me shocked." Naomi tried explaining to me, but I already knew because I was still shocked too.

Here we go. Taking a leap of faith.

Buttercup: I'm kinda confused. You kissed me and I've been thinking about you ever since.

Butterbean: Oh that? That was by accident. Idk what was wrong with me. I'm sorry about that.


Buttercup: I hope you're feeling better, gtg!

"That's embarrassing, Omi. I can't believe I did that." I think I was hurt more so the fact that he said it was by accident. A part of me wanted it to be more, but I had to act like it was nothing because of Logan. "It's not true, Ry. He likes you. I'm positive, so is your mom AND even Logan." "The cookies are ready." I was trying to ignore her comment and change the subject before she left.

I spent the rest of the evening watching cartoons on tv. I was making myself more and more upset thinking about this fairytale world where my best friend would be my boyfriend and we'd live happily ever after. But, then I'd often fantasize about Logan taking me traveling, I forget about Austin and we live happily ever after. After so much thinking and thinking, I came up with the perfect idea. A puppy.


Butterbean: I bought and emailed you a plane ticket for you to come the weekend. I miss you already.

I know he did fucking not.

Buttercup: Are you serious Austin??

Butterbean: Yeah, I'll pick you up at the airport. See ya then, i love you.

Why is he doing this to me. Deep down inside, I was so happy and pleased that he was doing this, but I knew this was going to be nothing but trouble.

a/n: this chapter was boring. sorry, i'm trying to get better 💀

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