Chapter Twelve.

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Rylee's Pov

I never thought i'd be in this predicament, nor was I planning on telling Austin.

He bent down on the floor and held me. I sobbed on his shoulder and he continued to say nothing. I wasn't so sure if his silence was bothering me, or if my hormones were just strong and I was getting the wrong impression.

We just sat there.

Austin wiped my tears, and put both of his hands on my face forcing me to look at him. "Look, I'm here for you." For the first time I felt a stronger more loving connection to him. "I love you." I blurted. He smiled and gently kissed my forehead, "I love you too, Ry. We're going to get through this." We? He's going to stick by me forever. I know he is.

"What do I do Aus? I'm not in love with Lo, hell I barely like him at this point, but I don't know if I can do this alone." I put my head back down. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. Like I told you. We're going to get through this." I trusted him, but that didn't stop the fact that I was going to be a mommy with a baby daddy that I'm realizing I don't have feelings for. Austin stood up, pulling my hand along with him for me to stand as well. He carried me wedding style to my bed.

I grabbed my favorite pillow and he held me close, "I feel so stupid." I giggled. It wasn't a "i'm a complete idiot, I hate myself." but more so a, "God, why did I accept the dick?" type of stupid. He giggled too, "So, wow buttercup, you was really out here not using protection, we always talked about protection." I rolled my eyes at him. "We used protection, that's why i'm not sure how i'm even in this situation right now."

Austin's eyes got big, "What butterbean?" I questioned him. He shook his head letting me know it was nothing. "Well, anyways, I should really schedule an appointment. Will you go with me?" I asked him. "If i'm not busy, then sure." I raised up and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He told me goodnight then left my room. I wasn't sure how to feel at this point.


"I was able to schedule an appointment for today, actually." I sat across from Naomi while she scrolling on her phone. "Really? Need me to come with?" "No, I'm fine." She took a sip of her coffee, then began scrolling on her phone again. I felt like I wasn't wanted, or maybe she was just dealing with her own issues. "Anything you want to talk about?" I asked her out of curiosity. "No."

I dismissed myself from the table and left. I sat in my car for awhile. Naomi is already separating herself. Austin is giving me false hope. I haven't spoken to my mom about it yet, and it's going to break her heart that she wasn't the first person I told, or yet that I'm having a baby in the first place. I noticed I only had an hour left, so I decided to go to the clinic early because I feel better sitting in there rather than outside of Naomi's house.

As I was driving I couldn't help but think about if I tried to work things out with Logan. The baby would of course be taken care of, but it would have two parents that are together. But, if not I would definitely try co-parenting. I highly do not think he'll be up for it, but right now that's our only option. I don't want to be with him, and I haven't even told him, yet.

I thought more about the baby. If it was a girl would I be choosing a girly name, or maybe a unisex name. If it was a boy would I name him after his father, or try something different. Would I have to find a better paying job? Would I have to put school on the back burner. I just was so indecisive, but one thing I was positive was that I was going to be a wonderful mother no matter what.


I checked in with the clerk, and found a seat over in the corner with another pregnant mother. She was so much bigger than me, but she had a beautiful glow. There was a little kid that came running full speed at her with a toy, "Hi, mommy. Look what I found!" "Oh, Brayden! It is so nice!" I smiled. Her world looked like it was filled with love, and truly it was so wonderful to witness it, so that it wouldn't scare me so much to be in here. "Ms. Rylee Justice?" I heard my name being called, I stood up and walked over to the nurse quickly.

"It's just you today, Ms. Justice?" The nurse frowned while taking me to the room. "Yes ma'am, but hey, maybe it's better this way." I replied to her trying to sound positive. She took my weight then sent me to my room to get the rest of my information. "Okay, we're all done here Ms. Justice, the doctor will be in here shortly. Good luck!" She gave me a sweet smile then walked out.

It was no longer than 3 minutes when the doctor came in. "Okay Ms. Justice, looks li-" "Sorry I'm late!" Austin bust through the door apologizing while closing the door loudly. I was so confused, he hasn't talked to me, nor was he replying to any of my texts. I didn't even know he knew where my appointment was. "Oh, I was told it was just you?" the doctor looked back at the clipboard. "I'm sorry, I thought that it would be." I said quietly.

"And you are the boyfriend?" the doctor extended her hand to Austin. "No, but i'm going to be here for her, almost every appointment." He had the biggest smile on my face. God, I love this man.

"Okay, so you are a good two months. Have you been having any symptoms that show more than others?" "Most definitely the cravings, morning sickness and mood swings." I told her, but really I could make my list so much longer. Everything is wrong with me.

"Sounds great to me.The baby is about the size of a raspberry, and your due date is March 1. Make sure you take your prenatal vitamins and stay away from all the things you need to stay away from. Any questions?" the doctor informed us. All I could do was smile. This changed every negative thought I had about having this child. "No ma'am." I replied. "Well, call if anything happens, or if you have any questions. Don't be scared, it looks as if you have a good support system."

I turned and looked at Austin who was wiping away a few tears. I smiled even harder. As we exited the room Austin hugged me, "Hey, i'm going to the restroom. I'll meet you outside." I shook my head okay and went to the front desk to schedule my next appointment.

I waited outside on the bench until he came out. "Hey, guess what? Next appointment I find out the gender." I happily told him. "No, you mean we find out the gender." I hugged him as tight as I could, "Thank you for being here for me. Naomi doesn't seem so supportive after all." "Let's not get bummed out with her negativity. There's a little one on the way."

He was right, there was going to be a little one on the way, and now I couldn't be any more excited.

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