Chapter Nineteen.

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Austin's Pov

After she hung up, I knew I had fucked up... again. I don't know what it is about her where I'm just so carefree about losing her.

I was so happy after she texted me I booked a plane to see her tomorrow, but now i'm sure she doesn't even want to see me now.

"Hey, Post? You okay man?" Fisher put his hand on my shoulder. I smiled and shook my head yes, knowing I wasn't. I wish things would go back to how things were.


"Rylee?" Ms. Justice called out into her home. "Just a minute!" Rylee yelled back down. I waited for her with a smile on my face.

We were about to do our typical walk to school, but I hadn't seen her since she's gotten back in town. "How was the trip, Ms. Justice?" I stood there, excited.

"It was great, Austin. Thank you for asking. You seem oddly happy today, anything special going on?" she asked smiling while sipping her coffee. "Just excited to see, Ry. It's been so long." I admitted.

"You like her?" Ms. Justice asked causing me to freeze up. It was so weird, I had never thought about Rylee that way. I didn't like like her, but I loved her in a friendly way. I would never risk our friendship because of temporary feelings.

"Mom! Stop!" Rylee yelled while running down the stairs. I ran over and hugged her tight. I missed the smell of her. She always smelt like coconut, and it always made me smile. "Buttercup, I missed you."

She giggled, "I missed you too, Butterbean. C'mon let's go before my mom tries to investigate this any longer." Rylee said while glancing at her mom smiling.

In that moment, I think I had my first feeling for Rylee. Her smile made me feel like everything was in slow motion.

"Hey, now! I was just playing with him. I'm going to be working late, so don't forget to get dinner." Her mom said laughing, and hugging us both.

We walked out and both of our hair went crazy from the wind that was blowing. We laughed, but as I stared into her eyes, my heart became full.


I flinched at the bright sunlight that found its way into my room. I had a major headache. I had one too many beers, and this headache was killing me.

I stood up and looked around. My room was a mess, my mind was a mess, too. I wasn't too sure that things with Rylee would get fixed, but all I could do was hope.

I looked down at my phone's notification.

JB: Bro, where are you? I'm outside waiting.

Oh shit i'm late.

I can't believe this. I hurried and packed my necessities and headed out.

"Justin, i'm so sorry. I didn't think I would wake up this late." I lied to him. I know once I drink I wake up later than late.

"No, fuck that, dude. It's about Rylee. You're always not doing enough to show her that you want her back. One of these days you're going to lose her for good." Justin scolded me. As much as I didn't want to hear it, it's the truth.

"Listen, I know. I'm sorry." I apologized. "Don't apologize to me, apologize to Rylee." That was the last thing he said to me before I got on the plane.

I tried to get some sleep during the ride, but my mind was racing. I wonder if Rylee heard about the concert where I blasted her name out.

It's like when she's gone I have no brain to think straight. I hate it so much, but this time i'm not fucking up.

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