Chapter Twenty Six.

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Rylee's Pov

It's been a few weeks since we had that open gate incident. Austin has been extra overprotective, but I don't mind it's kinda cute I guess.

"I think you should come with, it'd be fun." I tried to convince Austin to come out with Elijah, Harley and I.

"No, baby. I really have to finish this album." He spoke firmly. "Time is going by really fast. I'd love it if you cherished your time with me." I tried one more time.

He shook his head no, "Look, Ry. I'd really love to get to know them better, but I'm really busy." he told me looking me dead in the eyes.

"Fine. I'll bring you back a drink or something." I gave him a kiss, grabbed my purse and exited the studio.

Elijah picked me up with Harley in the backseat. "Hey, Harley. How was school?" I asked. "It wasn't fun, especially since it was Monday."

I giggled because her facial expression was so serious. Out of know where Elijah phone begin to ring. I looked down just because it caught my attention.

"Unknown number, eh?" I said out loud. "Oh yeah, h- they call all the time." He got choked up, but I brushed it off.

"I love frozen yogurt!" Harley yelled from the backseat. I smiled, she was so adorable and innocent. It made me more ready for Leilani's arrival.

When went inside, and fixed us our own individual cups. "Hey, i'll be right back." Elijah spoke while keeping his eye contact on his phone.

I watched him through the glass doors.

"Harley, does your daddy talk on the phone a lot?" I looked over at her barely fitting in the bar stool she was so small.

"Yes, he gets calls from his brother all the time. I'm not allowed to listen to his calls though." she looked down and continued to scoop up the yogurt.

Something was bugging me to find out more about it, but I didn't want to just be an investigative bitch, and nothing was actually going on.

Elijah came back in and sat at the table. "You ladies okay?" he smiled at me.

"I'm actually not feeling too well. This morning sickness is starting to be an all day type of thing." I lied.

I just didn't feel comfortable anymore. My gut feeling was giving off bad vibes about Elijah.

"Aw, I'll take you home then." "No!" I practically yelled at him. "I would feel more comfortable if I was with Austin and have him take me home." I suggested.

"No, I insist. I don't mind taking you home." Elijah mentioned again.

"Please, the studio with Austin is just fine. He can keep an eye on me." I replied back.

"I can stay at the house with you, I don't work today." he said.

Before I could come up with anything else Harley spoke up saying how she forgot to feed Oreo, and they needed to go home.

On the car ride to the studio it was very awkward. "You sure have been quiet this whole ride." He said looking at the construction site to the left of him.

"I just don't feel good, that's all." I told him. "Are you sure? You can be honest with me." he spoke up.

I shook my head, and continued to look out of my window. I seen the studio up ahead and I literally wanted to get out of the car and walk because he knew that I knew something was up.

When he pulled up he wanted to walk me in, but I made Austin come out to get me.

I waved goodbye to Harley and walked in.

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