Chapter Seventeen.

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Austin's Pov

"Have you heard anything from your friend?" I paced back and forth in my kitchen. "No, i'll go call him right now." Justin walked outside with his phone. Truthfully, I didn't want Justin to be the middle man. I didn't want a middle man at all. I wanted to talk to the guy for myself. This would be easier for everyone.

I heard my patio door close, "What happened?" I quickly questioned him seeing the annoyance on his face. "Actually, he's pissed." I was confused. "Pissed over what?" Justin shook his head and took his seat back at the table again. "It's nothing. It was my fault." Justin tried beating around the bush, but I wasn't playing any games about Rylee anymore.

"Justin just fucking tell me, dude." I yelled. "I didn't give him the whole story. Just that she's pregnant with your baby and you needed him to spy on her. I didn't tell him that you told her your feelings, lead her on then dipped." I turned around putting my hand on my forehead. "So now what?" I asked. "He's still going to do it, but in other news he just added a pic of her now on ig." He wasn't supposed to be posting her, but sending me the damn pictures. I rushed over to Justin's phone.

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Liked by aliciaok, bennydean, and 612 others

aarongallo24 she reminds me of sunshine

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I didn't know if I wanted to cry because i'm seeing her face, or cry because I don't like his caption meaning they already have some type of connection. She was absolutely gorgeous and she was glowing like never before. "Can I just look through his stuff? Just so I can see what he looks like?" I asked before taking the phone from him.

I scrolled through his instagram, and I did not like this. "Really bro? Who the fuck is this guy?" I pushed Justin in the chest. "Chill out, he was the only one I knew that lived somewhat by her. I'm doing this for you, so why are you complaining?" "You didn't mention he was some model who was going to sweep Ry off her damn feet." I walked away from him. I found my closes guitar and sung whatever popped in my head first.

Justin left soon after I walked out on him. I was obviously intimidated because I didn't want Rylee to love anyone other than me, but my ways are so fucked up. I teared up again I didn't know what else to do but to distract myself. I grabbed the hennessy from the top shelf and poured myself a glass for each thought I had that was related to Rylee and my unborn child.

A few hours later I heard knocks on my door, but I didn't want to be bothered. "Austin?" I heard from a distance it was just my manager probably coming in to be a dick to me. "What the fuck man, you're already drunk? Your performing tonight. You gotta be kidding me." The last thing on my mind was preforming. "Oh m-my bad." I stuttered. "Go drink some fucking water and get dressed." and I did exactly what I was told.


"Try to play normal." "I'm not drunk anymore. Wait, just a little buzzed." I giggled knowing I was just pissing everyone off. I walked on stage grinning big as hell, "How are y'all doing tonight?" I yell at the crowd hearing all the yells back. I looked at everyone seeing so many beautiful girls, but none of them compared to her.

Everything was going perfect until I was in the middle of Rylee's favorite song of mine. "Stay a little longer if you convince me and tell me all the things that you have against me. every time we make up the truth is fadin everybody's blind when the views amazing." In that moment I stopped completely. Everyone continued to sing, but I just couldn't anymore.

I looked out in the crowd once it was all over. "I lost someone that was very special to me, and I don't think i'll ever get her back. She has my whole entire life with her. I'm not trying to be selfish, but damnit, I want to be." Someone to the left of me yelled asking who it was. I paused for a moment, wondering if I should let it go, or if I should continue to try for her. Just to show her she's still on my mind. "Her name is Rylee."

I needed her to see me in some way.

I ended the show, and went straight to my dressing room. "Hey.." I looked to where the voice echoed from. What the hell. "I told you I never wanted to see you again." She stood up with a towel and slowly wiped the sweat from my face. "You look so... depressed and pale." I backed away from her. "Allie, what do you want?" rolling her eyes she sat back down. "I want you back. What happened with James was a mistake, Austy." I was filled with disgust, "Don't call me that."

"It's true. I never meant to hurt you. I was drunk, and so was he. I don't want him, I never did. I thought maybe if I pretended to be with him you'd get jealous and take me back." I walked away and sat down on the opposite side of the room. "That's bullshit." "No, it's not. James did it because he envy's you." I knew that James did somewhat hate me, and was jealous.

"Why should I believe you, Allie?" I asked. "Because I'm Allie. You know me, Austin." She walked over to me and sat in my lap. "Whatever you have with Rylee is over, you know you need someone. I'm that someone." Maybe she's right?

"How about I go home with you tonight and keep you some company, yeah?" Allie suggested. "I'm sorry, but not tonight." "Well, i'll just stop by tomorrow." I shook my head yes while she put her hand on my face. "It's going to be okay. I'm gonna help you through it and be there for you every step of the way." Allie moved closer to my face and kissed me. I didn't kiss her back, she didn't taste like Ry.

She left I assumed she didn't like that I rejected her. I was about to head out the back door when some guy stopped me. "Hey, bro your Post Malone." Well duh. "Hey, what's up?" "Is this that Rylee girl you were talking about?" He handed me his phone and it was Rylee's social media's. I went through everything, but it hasn't been anything I haven't seen before. It was great to see her face again though. I get tired of seeing just the pictures I have of her on my phone.


"Geez I missed this place." Allie took her shoes off and got comfortable on the couch. "Want a beer?" I offered her hoping she'd say no. "I'll just take you." "You don't have to flirt, Allie. It's okay." I sat next to her, and she wrapped her legs around me. "I'm sorry it's just I missed you a lot. Now that Rylee's not around to tell you bad things about me we can finally be happy."

She didn't understand that her and Ry don't compare. Rylee is my Buttercup. Allie is Allison. It was two different people, two different loves. "Look, it's not like she was the one who cheated on me." I blurted out. Allie ran to the restroom with her fake sobs. I was on my way to follow her, but my phone ringed. It was a text from my dad saying that Rylee came to visit him. I smiled. She always loved my dad, and my dad always loved her. I wish I was there to witness his happiness about his grandchild.

Allie came back out sniffling, "That really hurt my feelings, but I'm here to show you that I love and miss you." I brought her in for a hug. "I know i'm sorry, it's my fault. I didn't know any better it just came out, but I'm not going to lead you on. My mind is elsewhere." She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes, "Can we still be friends?" "Of course."

"What about friends with benefits?" she asked quietly waiting for my response. "Go home, Al. Please." The last thing I wanted to do was fucking have sex with her. She left without saying bye showing me that she was pissed off. I could careless.

I went for a ride after she left. I found myself at the beach watching the waves hit the shore. It was nice, but it wasn't like the secret spot with Rylee.

Unknown: This is Aaron, I agreed to send you pictures everyone once and awhile so just letting you know who this is.

I felt anger rise through my body, but I knew this was the only way I could be somewhat okay, but still respect her wishes to stay away from her.

Austin: Bet bro. Thanks again.

Aaron: Yeah, she's a really nice girl. Can't see why i'm doing this in the first place.

This motherfucker here.

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