Chapter Sixteen.

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Rylee's Pov

It's been a struggle without him. The only person I talk to is my mom. It gets pretty lonely, but she's wonderful company. My little bundle of joy is the size of an avocado, and my belly has the smallest baby bump. I was watching random youtube videos whenever I seen a video of Austin. I scurried for the remote, but it had already begun to play.

"I'm really just out here livin, there's no one I hate. I love everyone." Austin told the reporters. I could hear it in his voice that he was drunk. I changed it not being able to take it anymore. I had to block him out of my entire life including on social media. I can say I basically started new. I tried to get the thought of him out of my head, but I couldn't.

I looked down at my belly. I wouldn't be able to get him out of my head if I tried.

Buzz. Buzz.

I looked down at the notification telling me I had a request. "Ooh, who's Aaron Gallo?" I mumbled to myself. I clicked on the profile and went to the first picture.

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aarongallo24 oh hey

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I looked at a few more pictures. He looks so familiar, but I have no idea where i've seen him. Probably on youtube or something, he looks like a model. I got up to refill my drink and get another pickle. Yes, the typical pickles craving has been my recent cravings I can't help it. I heard my phone go off from the kitchen. Wow, i'm really popular today.

aarongallo24: you're the girl who cracked my phone.

Omg, my eyes nearly fell out. He was probably going to hunt me down and make me pay for the damages. i'm sorry about that lol

aarongallo24: you think it's funny? i spent a lot of money on my phone

Okay, this guy is like um very serious. did you follow me just to complain?

aarongallo24: no, i follow you because you're cute nice try, not looking.

aarongallo24: i didn't say i wanted you, just said you were cute. you looking for a friend? hmm, maybe?

We spent the rest of day talking about nothing, but it's just weird how he found me out of the blue. I know I shouldn't be finding him attractive, but I couldn't help it. I kept going back to his profile looking at all of his pictures.

I haven't posted anything about my pregnancy, and I don't plan to. Or, maybe not until I'm showing. I put my hair up and laid in bed. My mind wondered to think about what Austin was doing at this very moment, but was quickly interrupted by Aaron asking to meet me somewhere tomorrow.

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