Chapter Twenty.

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Rylee's POV

I laid in my bed completely overwhelmed. I thought about Aaron. He's been there for me awhile now, and I couldn't ask for a better person. He's amazing, and the more i'm around him the more he becomes attractive.

But, Austin. Seeing him brought back all of those feelings. Now having a child with him, and it's by accident changes everything.

I can't have an on and off relationship with him, and have his child. I'm scared that he'll up and leave one day again, or his work will be way more important.

I felt movement going on in my stomach, omg she's kicking. I smiled and rushed to my side to text Austin. Maybe it's time to change his name to something a little more comfortable, but I can't fully trust him yet.

Rylee: Hey, the baby's kicking are you busy? I can facetime you so you can see it?

I still get nervous around him, but it's different now. I feel so at home with him, but that home is so unstable.

Aus: Yeah, but i'd like to see it in person. I wanna hold you both. My girls.

I got a warm feeling, but I can't let my guard down. Although, I have to let him be a part of this so what the hell.

Rylee: Umm yeah you can come, but you're sleeping on the couch.


I heard the knock at the door, my heart begin to rush. "Coming!" I shouted.

I opened the door to see Austin smiling only causing me to smile as well. He hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

Butterflies filled my tummy, making me giggly. Fuck.

"So, um i'll let you know when she's kicking." I said quietly trying to bring the awkwardness and silence down. "No, I read somewhere that when the dad touches and speaks to the stomach they'll kick." Austin replied confidently.

I walked over to the couch taking my hoodie off exposing my stomach. "Wow, you're big." he said. "RUDE." I can't believe he just called me that. It's basically calling me fat. "Can I?" he asked.

I shook my head yes, but I was nervous for some reason. It's not the same like how it is with Aaron.

He touched the top of my belly, "Hi unknown baby name, daddy's here." He looked up making eye contact with me. Tears begin falling down my face.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't think it would affect me, but it is," I said between sniffles "It's the hormones, ignore it."

Austin reached over and kissed me. All those hatred feelings fled, and it was like nothing happened. I was still so much in love with him.

Just then she begin to move. Austin's hand was still in the same place, he looked down and a smile grew on his face. "She's moving! She's really moving!" He lifted my shirt and kissed my belly.

"Rylee, please give me another chance. I don't want to lose you two ever again. This is really my life now, and I want this. I really do." Austin turned more into me letting me see his seriousness.

"Your lifestyle is pretty hectic, do you need this?" I said being honest whether it hurt his feelings or not.

"Please. I'm not worried about Post Malone's lifestyle, i'm worried about Rylee and unknown baby name." we both giggled. "Prove to me you want this."

For the next two hours we watched Black Mirror. He hates this show, but I love it, so he compromised with me. He'll watch it, if I let him hold me.

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