Chapter Thirty.

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Rylee's Pov

"So, you've been having contractions Ms. Justice is that right?" the doctor asked.

"Mrs. Post. We just got married." Austin said excitedly. I smiled because he was so happy we we're now one.

"I'm so sorry, congratulations." she stood up and hugged us both. "So, these contractions?" she said once more.

"Ah, yes. It started last night. They're not lasting long, but they've been kind of frequent." I told her.

"So, the baby is coming in less than four weeks, if we can try to keep her in until her due date that'll be perfect, but the contractions could be a sign that she might come early." she said.

"If she comes early would that be bad?" Austin asked.

I'm surprised because he's usually the quiet one who has nothing to ask, but it seems to me that he's really worried.

"In most cases no, but it's best she comes out fully developed so we're not risking any complications." the doctor answered, "In the meantime, bed rest for the mama! So dad you're going to have to take care of her these next few weeks."

I looked up at Austin who was standing next to me. He bent down and kissed me on my forehead. "I'll find a way, okay?" he whispered.

She gave me a few more tips before we left.

The ride was pretty silent, and it was only because I knew Austin was trying to silently stress out on me.

"It's gonna be fi-" "Don't say that please, because neither of us know if it will be." he interrupted.

"What are you worried about? Because the baby is gonna be just fine, Austin. I am too." I said. "I can't be there for you. That's what I'm worried about." he shouted.

I walked inside while he stayed in the car I decided to give him some time to calm down. I went and got in bed. This was going to be so boring.

I cuddled up with my pillow, and slowly begin to doze off.


"Rylee, baby? Wake up." I heard Austin call out. I slowly opened my eyes, I was in so deep in that nap, ugh.

"What? what's wrong?" I asked.

"I was doing some research." he said showing me the laptop. My eyes was still adjusting, so I put my glasses on. "What's this?" I looked.

As I read the article it stated that Elijah spent prison time while his brother, Eden spent jail time at Rikers Island for a robbery that happened in New York.

"What about it, babe?" I asked. "Eden is the name of my manager. Ironic right?" Austin stood up and started pacing.

He begin throwing around all these assumptions, and coming to all these conclusions it was beginning to be overwhelming.

"Crazy how roles switched, I bet it's just a coincidence." I mentioned. He came and laid next to me, "I'll be back, okay? Please stay in the bed. I'll bring you food."

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