Chapter Twenty Nine.

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Austin's Pov

"Do you think Allie really loves me?" I asked Ry. It had been forever since I seen her, and now that we're back in our secret spot I feel like this is the perfect time to ask.

Of course, she gave me her honest answer, but it really was because I truly didn't love Allie. It was just her features that turned me on.

Rylee had gotten so damn sexy compared to the last time I seen her. She matured into a woman and I think that was the most attractive thing that could of happened to her.

"You like her don't you?" Allie asked me as she exited the shower. I took a little time before answering. Did I like her?

I looked at my phone I was scrolling at our pictures we had on our old facebook page.

"No, I don't." I lied.

She seemed so perfect for me, but I wasn't about to lose my friendship for a temporary relationship.

Allie was just right for me. The universe wouldn't of put us together if I was meant for Rylee? Right?

"Did you hear me?" Allie yelled.

I shook my head no, I was totally spaced out. "I asked you have y'all ever dated?" she said.

"No, I told you that already Allie. Now, let's go to sleep." I said dryly. I didn't even hold her, I turned my back to her without caring.

I closed my eyes and fantasized about Rylee.

I wondered the ways I could test out if I really liked her. Or, was this constantly thinking about her meaningful? Fuck.

Then the kiss on the cheek at the club the next day. I wanted to feel and taste her, but this was the only way I could do it.

This only made me thinking about wanting her more. I wanted more than just sex, I wanted to kiss every inch of her body, feed her when she's sick, play uno with her when she's bored, massage her feet just because. I wanted to be her husband one day, not just her best friend I had thought.

I knew what trouble it would of caused for me mentally, but now it's a risk I'd take. My feelings were all over the place.

Then later on that night she practically admitted to me, but it wasn't. Our relationship was going to be complicated.

But who cares?


I was memorized by Rylee's beauty. I had a flashback of when I knew I wanted her in every way, back when I knew I wanted to be her husband now I am.

I laid in the bed of our hotel just looking at my newly wife.

"Come here, let me tell you a really cute memory of you." I said. She came and cuddled up underneath me.

"So, It was the first day of second grade. You had on a blue dress with your vans on. I thought you were so weird for dressing the way that you were, but now looking back it's so cute. Anyways, I didn't have any school supplies"

Rylee cut me off, "Omg, I remember."

"Yeah, so you decided to give me half of everything you had including your lunch, and you did this because you said I was your other half." I looked down at Rylee.

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