Chapter Thirty Seven.

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Austin's Pov

"And this is where we ask for another server, please and thank you." I told the skank that was trying to put Rylee down.

The girl walked away with an attitude, and Rylee put her focus into her phone. "You okay, mamas?" I asked her trying to put a smile on her face knowing she loves when I call her that.

"Yeah, baby. It didn't phase me, and it won't. Not anymore." she smiled.

I believed her she's gotten so much stronger these past few months. "So, why New York?" I broke the silence.

It took her awhile to realize what I was talking about. "I've noticed that it's a beautiful busy place, and I've always stayed in Texas ya know?"

I shook my head agreeing with her, "Yeah I know."


The day went on so many memories was made even whenever we made it back home later on that night. I know I had to break the news to her somehow, but I was scared that it would ruin the entire time.

"Hey, I'm gonna fed Leilani and put her to bed." Rylee said getting off of the couch with a whiny Lani. She placed her curly hair into a bun and headed towards the nursery.

I went upstairs to our bedroom thinking long and hard. Rylee's probably going to hate me, or something. I'm only going because I feel like our relationship has gotten so much stronger than before I just hope she thinks the same.

About two hours later a tired Ry walked in. I paused my show and gave her a small friendly smile. She plopped down next to me and took a deep breath.

"I am so tired." she yawned.

I looked at the time seeing it was only 7pm. I would be tired too. I leaned in to kiss her neck automatically smelling baby vomit.

I gave a small gag, "Gross, babe!" I complained. Rylee laughed out loud "I know, I stink."

She headed towards the restroom and begin taking a shower. I waited a little while before following her to talk. "So, there's this thing I've been mean-" "Just spit it out, Aust." she cut me off short.

"I'm going on tour next month!" I had hope in my tone of voice, but her silence made me anxious and nauseous.

"Did you hear me?" I asked after the silence was way too quiet for me. "Yeah, I heard you just fine." she said without showing any emotion. She cut the shower off, wrapped the towel around her and walked right past me.

"Look, Ry. It was going to happen sooner or later. Don't forget I'm a fucking music artist!" I followed right behind her.

She avoided all eye contact, and it was killing me.

She placed an oversized shirt on and high fuzzy socks. "I don't understand. We had extreme problems having a child together and you can only take off like 4 months?! Yet, you get a little pregnancy scare with all of your old girlfriends and stop doing everything for years."

"Fuck you, Rylee!" I yelled so loud that Leilani immediately begin crying. I seen Rylee even tear up, but she didn't let them fall. She ran to the nursery closing and locking the door right after her.

"Open the door, Rylee." I tried to stay calm, but she ignored me. "Open the door." I tried once more still nothing. "FUCK MAN!" I yelled after banging on the door. Leilani kept crying and I could hear Rylee trying to calm her down.

I wait for hours and hours outside of the door waiting for her to open up, but she never did. Leilani stopped crying after about an hour after it all happened.

I feel terrible. I wasn't supposed to blow up on her, but why did she have to bring other girls into this? Why couldn't she just understand?

I ended up going to the couch and falling asleep there. I heard the microwave ding. I immediately jumped up and looked over the bar. Rylee was testing the milk to see if it was too warm while Lani was awake with tears in her eyes, but not making a sound.

"Look, Rylee I wasn't try-" "Shh, she just calmed down." she interrupted. I wasn't loud, but I guess loud enough for the baby to wake up.

"I was just saying I didn't mean to react like that. I just got upset because.. I don't know just because I wish you would understand." I whispered.

She rolled her eyes as she sat down and fed the baby.

"No, you knew what I said was true and it hurt your feelings. Go on, and pleaaaase be honest about it." Rylee was being sarcastic and it was already pissing me off. I seen that this wasn't going to get anywhere.

"Fuck! Why do you do this to me? I try to do everything that makes you happy, but you want me to be caged up in your own little world like always." I screamed while throwing the glass cup on the floor.

Leilani immediately begin crying. I totally forgot how I have to act around her, but Rylee makes me so frustrated.

"Leave, Austin please." Rylee's voice got choked up. In a matter of minutes I came back to reality. "I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it baby I promise. I've just been frustrated." I tried to apologize, but I knew it wasn't going to work.

"Go be happy, Austin! Exit the fucking cage, leave my little world and get the FUCK out." she yelled back at me.

"I hope you're satisfied that you got me angry enough to argue back with you." Rylee mumbled before heading upstairs back into the nursery. I paced back and forth. This isn't me. I was doing so well.

I punched the wall before grabbing my keys off of the counter and leaving.

I sped off not knowing where exactly I was going to go at this time. It was still dark in the city, and will be for a couple more hours.

I called this new manager I've been talking to so she can open her studio up to me so I can release a little stress.


I watched her laugh she's so quirky. "So, yeah. My dad paid for everything, so this is me paying him back."

I shook my head. She was hot, but she wasn't my Ry.

"So, hows Rylee and the baby?" she looked me in my eyes. "They're perfect. I just wanted to get in the booth and just sing about my girls." I turned away from her.

"Oh, yeah I understand. She's a very lucky girl." she stood up walking to the door. "Nah, it's the other way around. I'm a very lucky guy." I corrected her.

We went back and forth for hours just talking about how I am, and why I am this way.

I finally got the chance to check my phone, "7 missed calls from her. I'm sure she just wants to argue." I placed my phone down and continued to write. "I hope she likes this song." I said out loud.

"I think she will, but if not I think your fans will."

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